OSBA: Testing Updates October 22, 2015
Why Do We Have State Tests? Critical to measure student learning
Knowledge and Skills for Success
Ohio’s State Tests Districts will choose dates from the testing window Given during a single window Shorter tests
Role of Educators
Each Test Divided into Two Parts Districts choose whether tests given all at once or divided in two
Ohio School Report Cards Inform parents, taxpayers and school leaders
State Test Grades and Subjects Students Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Math Students Grades 4,6 Social Studies Students Grades 5,8 Science
High School: Classes of 2018 and Beyond English Language Arts I and II; Algebra I, Geometry or Integrated Mathematics I & II; Biology or Physical Science American History American Government English Language Arts I and II; Algebra I, Geometry or Integrated Mathematics I & II; Biology or Physical Science American History American Government
High School: Classes of Ohio Graduation Tests, American history, American government
Computer Paper and Pencil Districts Select Test Format
When are spring tests? English language arts tests April , paper tests April , online tests Mathematics, science and social studies April 4 - May 6, paper tests April 4 - May 13, online tests
When will we have test results for spring 2016? Results by June 30 Results for grade 3 English language arts by June 15
Register to receive testing updates education.ohio.gov Click: Green Testing button
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Third Grade English Language Arts Test Administered from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 Districts select five consecutive days during that window for the test. Districts will receive the downloadable data files for the grade 3 ELA test at the end of January
Reading Resources Third Grade Reading Guarantee website resources Streamlining resources and information to help schools and families Search keywords: Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Safe Harbor and the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Students still required to reach the promotion score on the state’s reading test or an alternative test if they are not exempt from retention.
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