Omar Ghannoum & Peter Mack Grubb
Overview Website for matching language partners at Texas A&M Cultural and linguistic exchange Anyone with can use website The idea originated because both of us are taking foreign language classes
Objectives Build the website Attract a linguistically diverse user base Have a high degree of user engagement Find an organization that can continue to maintain the site
Strategies Website is a social network Limited potential user base Specific focus Wordpress Content Management System used Easy to use for less technically inclined Still highly flexible for our needs Promotion done via organizations with large international base INTS, Arabic and Chinese clubs, fliers Planning to hand off to International Studies student professional organization Costs for hosting minimal (36$) so paid out of pocket
Challenges New Student Organization process is too bureaucratic Trouble with A&M webhosting policies Required the use of Drupal Did not allow for unfiltered student posting Too many liability concerns Establishing a relationship between the English Language Institute
Successes Around eight pairings were made, including myself Users were very satisfied Had students come up to us in class and tell us what a good Idea it was Influx of users after contacting International Studies Department Connected with International students as well as local Texas A&M students
What we learned We are very resilient We are effective leaders and communicators When developing in a niche market, it is always more difficult to get started However, if it meets a need you will get a large user response In order for the website to be successful, we had to always be on top of things
Assessment The good news: The final user count was 93 Split about 60/40 native vs. international students The bad news: total number of Language Partners was 8 Caused by the timing people joined (international students after INTS) Relatively late in the school year Many pairings occurred where the user didn’t click “add as Language Partner” High level of community involvement
Conclusion Project was all in all a success Pairing Numbers were not as high as we would like, but community interest was most definitely there Strong publicity push in the early Fall would probably lead to much better results If this were a startup, we are ready for funding round 2