Long Term English Learners EDSC 410 August 31, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Long Term English Learners EDSC 410 August 31, 2015

A statewide issue  The Majority of California Secondary School English Learners are Long Term English Learners (in United States schools for more than six years)  California school districts do not have a shared definition of “Long Term English Learners.” Most districts lack any definition or means of identifying or monitoring the progress and achievement of this population.  Long Term ELL: ???

How do EL become “Long Term EL”?  Provided elementary school curriculum and materials that were not designed to meet English Learner needs  Enrolled in weak language development program models  History of inconsistent programs  A narrowed curriculum — and partial access to the curriculum  Socially segregated, linguistically isolated  Transnational Moves — Transnational Schooling

Characteristics of Long term EL 1. LTELs are able to be high functioning in social situations in both their home language and in English 2. Weak academic language, and gaps in reading/writing skills 3. The majority of Long Term English Learners are “stuck” at Intermediate levels of English proficiency or below 4. Many LTELs have developed habits of non- engagement… 5. The majority of LTELs want to go to college 6. LTELs have significant gaps in academic background knowledge 7. Some LTELs have become discouraged learners, tuned out, ready to drop out of high school

How are they currently serve in Secondary Schools?  Inappropriate placement in mainstream — no program  Placed and kept in classes with newcomer English Learners  Unprepared teachers  Overassigned and inadequately served in Intervention and Reading Support classes  No electives, and limited access to the full curriculum

What Works?  Long Term English Learners have both language development and academic gaps that must be addressed across the curriculum.  Remember the crucial role of primary language development.  Long Term English Learners need rigor.  Maximum integration with other students without sacrificing access.

Action Plan in your classroom 1. I will 2. I will 3. We (the department) will 4. We (the department) will 5. The school will 6. The school will