regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy Development Plan Document Regulation 25 Consultation on alternative approaches to delivering strategic objectives
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information What is the Core Strategy DPD? a Development Plan Document (DPD) part of the statutory development plan the first of a series of documents that make up the Local Development Framework must comprise: a Spatial Vision & Strategic Objectives a Spatial Strategy Core Policies a Monitoring & Implementation framework for delivery monitored Annually It is not a Replacement Borough Local Plan
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information How does it fit within the Town’s Local Development Framework (LDF)?
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Consultation on alternative approaches inviting views and comments on: the suggested approach and possible alternatives; and the Initial Sustainability Appraisal/SEA use these to develop a second consultation document setting out the preferred approach the findings of the SA/SEA will also influence development of preferred options
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information The national, regional and local strategic policy context And Planning Policy Statements, Good Practice Guides etc
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information The Core Strategy must address spatially the delivery of: regeneration of Southend as a cultural and intellectual hub and a centre of education excellence jobs-led regeneration and growth: 13,000 additional jobs 6,000 additional dwellings a step change in infrastructure investment and improved accessibility High quality urban and natural environments Urban Renaissance
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information The structure of the Core Strategy DPD: Section1 An Aim and 16 Strategic Objectives Section 2 Three over-arching Key Polices dealing with broad spatial, development and implementation principles Section 3-11 Nine Core Policies setting out more specific development principles for specific themes all new development must accord with these principles
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Section 2: Key Policies Key Policies cover the following issues: Spatial Strategy – where? Development Principles – how? Implementation and Resources – who?
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Key Spatial Strategy Options
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Key Development Principles delivering the Spatial Strategy in a sustainable manner ensuring all new development contributes to: economic, social and physical regeneration and Southend’s role as a cultural and intellectual hub making the best use of previously developed land and buildings a step change in the design and quality of buildings and spaces in the town respect for the natural, urban and historic environments
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Implementation and Resources clear planning guidance – Area Action Plans and SPDs investment and resources – including the use of planning obligations assembly of ‘clean sites’ - including use of Council land holdings, partnership arrangements and CPOs fast track planning applications for employment generating development Successful delivery of regeneration will depend on:
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Sections 3 – 11 Core (Thematic) Policies 3: Employment Generating Development – building on the town’s economic strengths 4: Town Centre and Retail Development – town centre/existing centres/new locations 5: Transport and Accessibility – improved and sustainable transport infrastructure 6: The Environment and Urban Renaissance – achieving a high quality, sustainable urban environment
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Section 3 – 11 Core (Thematic) Policies 7: Minerals and Soils Resources – protecting minerals and soils; restoring contaminated land 8: Community Infrastructure – ensuring education, health and well-being 9: Sport, Recreation and Green Space – safeguarding existing and securing new facilities 10: Dwelling Provision – meeting housing needs and securing affordable housing 11: Monitoring and Review – appraising effectiveness
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Above all it’s about people…….
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Buildings and places………..
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information and the environment!
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information What happens next? Key StageDate Preferred Options Consultation July 2005 Consideration of representations & discussions with community stakeholders August – October 2005 Submission of Core Strategy DPD to SoS March 2006 Pre examination meetingJuly 2006 Target date for Public Examination September – October 2006 Adoption and PublicationMarch – April 2007
regional planning I local plan I design & regeneration I transport planning I research & information Consultation deadline 16th March 2005