A BSR multimodal Transport Strategy Mats Petersson BSSSC Region Skåne Hamburg 11 May 2007
Skåne - A partner in BSR cooperation Part in the dynamic Öresund Region 1.2 million inhabitants Strategic location in the BSR context A hub in Scandinavia Active partner in interregional cooperation Partner in pan-Baltic organisations
BSSSC work group BSSSC calls for strategic co-operation and continued dialogue with the aim of establishing a common transport vision Representatives from regions in the BSR countries Chair person Annika Annerby Jansson, Skåne Annual conference. Kiel Sept 2006
Why a common strategy? Specific BSR conditions Need for a better co-ordination and co- operation between regional, national and European levels One voice Support a needed dialogue public-private sector Benchmarking Accessibility - a pre-condition for sustainable growth
Accessibility – a pre-condition for sustainable growth
Preparation up to now BSSSC Work group, including dialogue Political back up i Region Skåne Pan-Baltic organisations; BSSSC, BDF, CBSS, others High Level Group on transports in BSR Initial contacts with regions BSR Interreg IIIB joint secretariat
Distinguishing project features Common BSR problems and challenges Entire geography of BSR Create common BSR knowledge and consensus Develop, clarify, and support common strategies Develop and submit a BSR stand point Political involvement
Implications for partnership Reflect the entire territory Administrative levels Political commission Active partners in the BSR development Complement to existing parnetships (Baltic Gateway, COINCO, Baltic Palette, Barents etc) Comming cross border progammes
Possible content - Scenarios Integration of BSR economies Global trade Climate change Transport policies Technology implementation
Possible content - Accessibility and economic development Market trends Transport flows Accessibility and competetive regions Transport system and driving forces in BSR Cohesion
Possible content - Transport networks Global flows, gateways BSR internal Metropolitan areas TEN and the future BSR perspective Inter-modality and co-modality Bottle necks
Possible content - Environment and sustainable transports Present stage, threats, challenges Emissions, energy, safety, vulerability, … Tool box Strategies Measures
Possible content - Implementation Private Public Partnerships – financing, IPC:s etc European – national – regional politics EU policy implementation in BSR Case studies
Project design Core and backing partners Regions as core partners National bodies Pan-Baltic organisations High Level Group on transports Reference groups 2 stages – strategy and implementation Project development in the core partnership
Core partners Strong network Experience Political capacity Good reputation Ability to co-finance project activities (cash) Capacity to be work package leader
End of presentation First call in the new BSR programme