Ian Williams Head of Hertfordshire Purchasing Hertfordshire Business Services Doing Business with the Public Sector
Doing Business with the Public Sector Is about spending Public Money –Fair –Open –Transparent –Accountable
Doing Business with the Public Sector Demonstrate the scale and scope Identify the way in Equality of opportunity through the electronic agenda Sources of help and support.
Doing Business with the Public Sector Local Government Central Government NHS Universities and Colleges etc
Hertfordshire CC Broxbourne BC (a) Dacorum BC (b) East Herts DC (c) Hertsmere BC (d) North Herts DC (e) St Albans DC (f) Stevenage BC (g) Three Rivers DC (h) Watford BC (i) Welwyn Hatfield DC (j) a b c e f g d h i j Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire Councils £550 Million & p.a 11 Councils
What are the Objectives for Local Government Procurement? Deliver consistently high quality services that meet users’ needs Provide savings and better value for money Support delivery of the council’s e-Government agenda Promote equality of opportunity for service users, businesses and staff
How is this achieved? Competitive range of suppliers providing quality services, including small firms, social enterprises, minority businesses and voluntary and community sector groups Collaborating with partners at all levels Stimulating markets and using them creatively to drive innovation Supporting the development of the local economy
Collaboration HCC adds to its purchasing power through membership of purchasing consortia: Hertfordshire Procurement Forum The Central Buying Consortium (CBC) Plus working with other public buying organisations including Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)
The Central Buying Consortium 17 Councils £750 Million & p.a 200+ Joint Contracts
Why we are here Open Dialogue with suppliers Explain the diversity of what we do Understand the diversity of what you do Explain how we do business - and the reasons for it Encourage you to tender for contracts Demonstrate e-Procurement
What we want you to take from today Understand how we do business Understand the opportunities that exist Understand why we work the way we do Identify areas of mutual benefit Meet the buyers Make the contacts.
Key messages We believe in the local economy We need to work together We want to work in partnership with you You need to provide ‘Best Value’.
The rest of the session is dedicated to allowing you to learn more about the way you can work with us and see some of the development work that is going on
What is available today? How to Successfully Pitch for Business: Back to Basics The Tendering Process E-Procurement: the Benefits How the Third Sector can do Business including Tenders Information stands & Drop In area Making Key Contacts
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