Do you prefer to do beauty treatments yourself or to have them done by someone else? waxing your legs having your legs waxed having your hair dyed dyeing your hair
hair dyeingI prefer dyeing my hair myself I prefer having my hair dyed by a professional hair stylingI prefer styling my hair myself I prefer having my hair styled by my hairdresser eyebrow pluckingI prefer plucking my own eyebrows I prefer having my eyebrows plucked by the beautician When we ask somebody else, usually a professional or a specialist, to do something to us or to something that belongs to us, usually as a service, we can use this structure: to have + something + done verb have + object + past participle We can also use get, instead of have I’m going to have my hair layered/I’m going to get my hair layered Joe’s just had his beard trimmed Why don’t you have your teeth whitened?/ Why don’t you get your teeth whitened? Example:
In what situations might you need or want something done by someone else, either for convenience, as a special treat or to have expert or professional service ? house improvement e.g. pipes – unblock general repairs & maintenance e.g. car – wash tyres – pump Find objects (the part of the house or car) that might require a specialist’s attention and appropriate verbs, and make a sentence, using the structure “to have/get something done”: Es. oil – change I’ll have to get the oil changed; trousers – shorten I’m going to have my new trousers shortened beauty and hair care e.g. hair – trim Clothes: alterations and cleaning e.g. trousers – shorten coat – dry clean technology e.g. anti-virus programme – install
What can you have done? pizza dirty clothes birthday cake greying hair faulty car engine flat tyre hairy legs degree thesis wedding photos Imagine that you are a)rich enough not to have to do anything yourself or b)too old to be able to do some things yourself or c)not enough of an expert to do things yourself Make a list of things you need or would like to have done, explaining why Now in pairs, take it in turns to ask/answer questions about who you could contact mechanic optician’s dry cleaner’s dentist beautician caterers gardeners computer technician dressmaker Who can offer you services? What examples?