Diego E. Rincon-Limas. Ph.D. GMS 6096: Introduction to NIH Grant Writing for Biomedical Sciences University of Florida Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience “Biosketches, Facilities, Equipment, Letters of Support and more…” February 18, 2015
NIH Review Criteria Significance Investigator(s) Innovation Approach Environment Today’s lecture
Outline of Topics Biosketch Facilities Equipment Letters of Support Resource Sharing Cover Letter
Biosketch It is different from a CV! Highlights expertise and productivity of PI and collaborators Required to score the “Investigator(s)”core review criterion Used to assess feasibility of the project Never copy biosketches from other applications!
The NIH Biosketch- new format in 2015 Cover A. Personal Statement B. Positions and Honors C. Publications Contributions to Science D. Research Support (current and past) Get it through your grant specialist change
Very important!
The old biosketch
Section C- Contributions to Science Describe up to five of your most significant contributions Historical background of each problem/contribution Summarize the central finding and your role on the work The influence on science progress or application to health List up to four peer-reviewed papers for each contribution Each contribution should be no longer than one half page At the end, include a URL to full list of publications in PubMed
Facilities Institutional environment Laboratory Animal Clinical Computer Office Other resources
Equipment Major equipment (more than $5K) Yours and shared Available in core facilities Do not list irrelevant equipment Get support letters
Letters of Support Research interest Access to special equipment Collaboration (short description) Statistical support Unpublished reagents Do not submit one sentence letters!
Resource Sharing Distribution of materials Clones, DNA, tissues, animal models, cells, bioinformatics data, etc. Restrictions Patents involved
Cover Resource sharing-example
Cover Cover Letter Optional Target primary institute Project description Target study section (homework) Potential conflicts Special requests
Don’t be afraid of all these documents… Just read instructions and do it ahead of time Good luck!