The study on the impact of the promulgation of English language as Thai’s second language Virach Sornlertlamvanich Director Information Research and Development Division (iTech) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) 1 Dec 2000, Multi-lingual Archival Site, Keio Univ., Tokyo, Japan.
1. The definition of second language Use in government affair. For example, every government document paper will provide both first and second language. 2. Why the English language? Information access: major language on the INTERNET Economy: major language use in E-BUSINESS
3. The English language readiness –English language school Bangkok 227 schools( ป 30k prs/school) Provinces 129 schools ( ป 500k prs/school) –The sample of various groups of Thai population who use English language in their every day life context. The importer who registered with Department of Export Promotion: 10,642 People in academic field: ? Source:- Office of the Private Education Commission The Internet user: 1.3 million
The language proficiency of the Internet user (2,404) Source:- Internet user profile of Thailand. National Electronics and Computer Technology Center % are fine in using English
The education level of the Internet user (2,404) Source:- Internet user profile of Thailand. National Electronics and Computer Technology Center % hold bachelor degree
The population’s working status report Source:- National Statistics Office. The population’s working status report Phase1. February 2000 ป
Source:- Language population on the Internet (Sept. 2000)
Thai language web pages 2, % English language web pages 214,250,996 Thai language VS English language web pages Source:-
The number of e-commerce web sites in Thailand Source:- The conference documentary “Thai land e-commerce policy frame work”. National Electronics and Computer Technology Center EC ready 0.05%?!?!
Source:- The growth of sales using e-commerce
ParSit Web Access (July 11 - November 10, 2000) 266,224 visits (total) 2,256 visits/day (average) 221,579 pages (total) 2,877 pages/day (average) Average transaction time: sec/page 89.20% success in services ParSit is an English-Thai cross lingual web navigation
Statistic of ParSit transactions (July 12, 2000 – Nov 13, 2000)
Visitors of ParSit (June 26, 2000 – Nov 13, 2000)
Top 10 Sites Visited through ParSit June 24 - October 10, 2000 (118 days)
Top 10 Sites of September 2000
4. The possibility The opposition of people who realize the impact on the aspect of cultural heritage The opposition of the patriot The readiness of the Thai people 5. The promotion The population’s language capability
The growth of non-English language on the Internet Source:- 3 months later...
4. Discussion The Internet converges the languages on English while the language processing technology diversifies the languages. Supporting Technology – Machine Translation – Cross-Language Information Retrieval/Extraction – Datamining – Speech Technology … are the key technologies for information niche. Current status:-
4. Discussion Cross-language R&D collaboration (IT infrastructure) – Asian languages core center as a language gateway – Digital contents archiving center as a cultural, historical, language, knowledge resource provider Asian E-Business, lifestyle Security Future knowledge-based society:-