Personality Personality~ These traits include: Consists of the unique combination of traits that make you an individual Behaviors Attitudes Feelings Ways of thinking that are characteristic of you
Describing Personality Extrovert~ Introvert~ Optimist~ Pessimist~ Friendly and outgoing. Less outgoing and thoughts are directed inward. Someone who focuses on the positive side of things. Someone who looks at the negatives and expects the worst.
Describing Personality Assertive~ Passive~ Aggressive~ Able to stand up for yourself and express your feelings in a non-threatening way. Holding back your feelings and yielding to others. Communicating your ideas and feelings in a forceful or threatening way.
The Healthy Personality Psychologists~ Mental Health~ People who study the human mind and behavior. Is the state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings.
The Healthy Personality People who are mentally healthy are: Able to take on the responsibilities of daily living. 3. Caring toward themselves and others Realistic about their strengths and weaknesses. Able to handle disappointments and learn from them. Able to feel enjoyment and a sense of achievement.
How is Personality Formed? Most personality traits are influenced by a combination of both and.heredityenvironment Heredity -Traits can start even before birth. -Some evidence indicates that traits such as shyness and aggressiveness may be inherited.
How is Personality Formed? Environment –Modeling~ –Peer Group~ As children develop, they copy the behavior of others. Friends who are about the same age and share similar interests. American teens spend more than half their time with other teens. By young adulthood, your personality traits are fairly well established.
SELF-ESTEEM Self-Esteem- People with High Self-Esteem: –accept themselves for who they are –have a realistic view of their strengths and weaknesses –maintain a positive attitude even when they fail at a task –form close relationships with people who respect and value them –value themselves by taking care of their health and by avoiding risky behaviors Refers to how much you like yourself and feel good about yourself.
SELF-ESTEEM People with Low Self-Esteem: –have a negative opinion of themselves –judge themselves harshly and worry too much about what others think of them –they may “put on an act” in public to impress others and hide their insecurities –their look of failure and looking bad may prevent them from trying new things
SELF-ESTEEM & YOUR HEALTH More than any other factor, self-esteem has a direct effect on all aspects of your health: Teens with low self-esteem are more likely to: High self-esteem, on the other hand, is an important influence on positive health behaviors. -mental -social -physical -use drugs -drop out of school -become pregnant -suffer from an eating disorder
IMPROVING YOUR SELF ESTEEM Take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Learn to focus on your strengths and build on the things you do well. Select friends who will support you and encourage you to do your best. When you experience defeat, avoid dwelling on it. Try to learn something positive from the experience and then move on. Practice good health habits. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and good grooming habits will help you feel good about yourself. Avoid doing things just to “go along with the crowd”. You will feel better about yourself when you do things that match your values. Set goals for yourself. Map out a plan to help you achieve your goals.
IMPROVING YOUR SELF- ESTEEM Take some time each day to do something you really enjoy. Avoid negative thinking. Substitute positive thoughts like “I can do it if I try” for negative thoughts like “I’ll never be able to do this”. Develop a sense of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself, rather than taking everything seriously. Do something nice for others. Consider helping out more at home or doing volunteer work in your community. Reward yourself when you do something well. Learn to accept compliments when others give them.