Topic 6D – Back to Normalcy
Normalcy The idea of returning back to the way of life before World War I. Most Americans were tired Radical unions Radical ideals Socialism/Communism/ Anarchism Wanted to return back to life before World War I
Business Glorified Business was elevated to the status of religion. “The man who builds a factory builds a temple – the man who works there worships there.” – President Coolidge World War I expanded business and brought about an economic boom.
New Industries The Automobile Ford Motor Company (!) The Assembly Line Expanded existing industries Steel, rubber, gasoline, machine tools, road building. New Mergers Created oligopolies (all-ig-op-olies) When a small number of business dominate an industry Sales becomes popular
Scientific Management Workplace efficiency Reorganizing rooms and tasks to be the most productive Increases manufacturing dramatically, tons of new goods to sell Charlie Chaplin Modern Times
Into the 1920s Imperialism leads to America entering the world stage as a major power. The results of this power drags the U.S. into World War I. Success in the war and the turmoil that followed led to a desire for normalcy, not change. The end of the Progressive Movement signaled the rise of business. The rise of business and the booming economy of the 1920s led to dramatic changes for American life. The changes would be bring about great progress, and great destruction.
Timeline/Review Imperialism America wants to expand its influence due to business and ideological reasons World War I American power is valued by the world, it eventually drags them into World War I on the side of Britain and their allies. Problems at Home Extreme radicalism The Red Scare The Palmer Raids Racial Unrest Normalcy Returning to pre- war status The rise of business The improving economy Improvement of business strategy