“the Business of America is Business!” 1920s a Return to Normalcy “the Business of America is Business!”
1920’s The JAZZ AGE The 18th Amendment and passage of the Volstead Act The 19th Amendment women’s suffrage . Silent MOVIES Talkies Big City vs Small Town The Model T
Prohibition The moral law that created irreverence If you get rid of alcohol you get rid of poverty, homelessness and domestic violence. But you can’t stop S&D
Demand for liquor creates Supply Good quality alcohol shipped from Canada or Europe, or moonshine from the hills. The value was so great it needed tommy guns to protect it
The City girl … flapper vs the country girl family values and modesty
HERO’s moralist Conservative Charles Lindbergh Liberal Huey Long The Rise of the KKK Henry Ford & the Model T
CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST Booker T. Washington’s Accommodationism W.E.B. Dubois Civil Activism Marcus Garvey’s BACK TO AFRICA Movement
Scopes Monkey Trial ACLU employs Clarence Darrow to defend John Scopes. William Jennings Bryan helps Prosecution
Election of 1928 Hubert Hoover Popular millionaire philanthropist and secretary of commerce runs against AL Smith Cigar smoking Catholic antiprohibitionist