Throughout Unit 3, we have talked about various events that have led the way into what we consider the “Modern Era” of the world. These “Early Modern” events have led from one chain of events into another. Based on the main topics and time periods we discussed in class, create a timeline of the Early Modern World that explains these different turning points in history.
Draw a timeline that outlines the dates of the Early Modern era ( ). Your timeline should include 20 entries (events) of your own choosing. Each entry should include the following elements (Use complete sentences!): A brief description of this event Why was this event important to the Early Modern era? How can it be considered a “turning point” in history?
When you come in, make sure your group has the following materials: (found on the front table) A strip of construction paper A Ruler Start working on writing the details for the events your group has chosen for your timeline assignment. Each event should be written on a separate note card.
A brief description of this event -Name/title of the event -The specific date(s) related to when the event occurred -Details about the event (characteristics of the event and what happened) -Examples of people involved with that event *What contributions did that person/those people make to this event?* -What larger period of history during the Early Modern era is this event part of? Why was this event important to the Early Modern era? -Give a specific reason of how this event led to other developments later on in the Early Modern era.
Description: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How… Importance to the EME: Reason why this event is a turning point…
A brief description of this event The Spirit of the Laws was a book written by the French Philosopher Montesquieu. Montesquieu published this book in 1748, and he discusses a comparative study of different types of government that existed in Europe during that period of time. This event is part of the Enlightenment period of the Early Modern era. Importance to the Early Modern era In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu developed the idea of a “separation of powers” in government. This specific idea will later influence the Founding Fathers of America to create the three branches of separated powers in the American government.
This assignment will consist of you handing in two things: Early Modern era timeline (titles of events included along the line) Notecard stack of 20 historical events Early Modern era timeline: -Draw a line straight across your construction paper strip; label the line from the beginning to end dates of the Early Modern era ( ) -Evenly measure out and label each century throughout this era of time (1300s-1800s) -Add your group’s events to the timeline (include specific dates and event titles)