SEO AND SEM Getting the Internet Money...
Achieving the Goal: Inside Your Site Inside The Site SHOW ME THE RELEVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!
Achieving the Goal: Outside Your Site
Limitations of SEO: Everybody's Doing It I JUST OPTIMIZED MY WEBSITE!!!!!!!!
Limitations of SEO: Your Competitors Have a Some Cash to Spend Paid Search by Competitors
Limitations of SEO: Search Engine Competition The Search Engines Quest to Be the Best
Limitations of SEO: Crazy Competition
Limitations of SEO: Aggregators
What Does the Future Hold Social Search and the Sharing the Long Tail
What Does the Future Hold? Google Squared
What Does the Future Hold? Google’s Wonderwheel
What Does the Future Hold? Real Time Search
Search Engine Marketing The Long Tail
What’s Unique: Auction Format Max BidQuality ScoreAd RankCPC Maximum amount advertiser willing to pay per click Out of 10Max bid x Quality Score P 1 =B 2 Q 2 /Q 1
What’s Unique?: Split Tests
What’s Unique Tools for Measuring and Planning a SEM Campaign
Conclusion It doesn’t matter if your peddling goods, services, information or entertainment...the real value of your website lies in what you offer viewers...the first step of a successful SEO or SEM campaign is a solid website...once that’s established a company can leverage the analytic data to create an effective and efficient search engine presence.