Why is the Rule of Law important? The rule of law states that everyone is accountable to the law, including the government. Laws must be clear, publicised and protect the rights of society. Justice must be delivered fairly. Complete the gap fill activity on the rule of law http://worldjusticeproject.org/endorsements NAME: _________________________
What Happens When Law Breaks Down? RULE OF LAW What Happens When Law Breaks Down? On the 6th August 2011 a Tottenham man, Mark Duggan was shot dead by police. People protested, saying police had been wrong to shoot him. People used what was happening as an excuse to break the law – looting shops, setting fire to homes and businesses and rioting on the streets. Police were not expecting such a mass uprising and, for a couple of days, the rule of law broke down. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14461421 NAME: _________________________
Classroom Rules To arrive to my lesson on time To carry the right equipment for my lesson To dress correctly in school uniform To follow instructions straight away To treat people with respect To not use offensive language To put litter in the bin To participate in lessons and always try my best 1. Why do we have classroom rules? ________________________________________________________ 2. What would happen if we didn’t have rules? Challenge – What would society be like if people didn’t have to follow laws?
Challenge – Explain your placement of the most important law Rank the Laws It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour It is illegal to kill someone It is illegal to possess a hand gun It is illegal to drive a car on a public road under the age of 17 It is illegal to vote if you are under 18 It is illegal to smoke inside in a public place It is illegal to watch TV without a licence It is illegal to eat a mince pie on Christmas Day It is illegal to encourage racial hatred Create a Diamond 9 Put the most important law at the top Put the least important law at the bottom Challenge – Explain your placement of the most important law
Diamond 9
Why is the Rule of Law Important? Answer the question in a PEE paragraph I think…. For example… This means… Everyone (L3-L4) will be able to describe what the rule of law means Most (L5-L6) will be able to explain how the rule of law impacts on society Some (L7-L8) will be able to consider what life would be like without the rule of law Word box order chaos riots looting arson law damage protect police
Why is the Rule of Law Important? _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Word box order chaos riots looting arson law damage protect police