Overview WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20121M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Maximum ΔT admissible at cooling system T_1 T_2 T_1+0.5*ΔT Stave If T_2 – T_1 = 6 K, the maximum ΔT at the stave would be 0.5*(T_2-T_1) = 3 K In the prototypes tested up to now, ΔT in the water maximum was 3 K A smaller flow rate can be set at the prototype for the configuration above. Pipe erosion considerations Usually, two fluid velocities are important: Minimum velocity: avoids depositions inside the piping. Maximum velocity: avoids failure by pipe erosion throughout piping lifetime. The manufacturer should provide the operating conditions. A definitive choice of pipe must be done.
WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20122M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Maximum ΔT admissible at cooling system T_1 T_2 T_1+0.5*ΔT Stave If T_2 – T_1 = 6 K, the maximum ΔT at the stave would be 0.5*(T_2-T_1) = 3 K In the prototypes tested up to now, ΔT in the water maximum was 3 K A smaller flow rate can be set at the prototype for the configuration above. Pipe erosion considerations Usually, two fluid velocities are important: Minimum velocity: avoids depositions inside the piping. Maximum velocity: avoids failure by pipe erosion throughout piping lifetime. The manufacturer should provide the operating conditions. A definitive choice of pipe must be done. To be done Overview
WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20123M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Piping diameter for two-phase cooling system Based on results obtained with D08 prototype and C 4 F 10, and using correlations to back up the ΔT Sat for the experienced Δp. For given mass flow rate -> max. ΔT Sat -> max. Δp allowed -> Pipe D min Pipe-refrigerant compatibility: C 4 F 10 is not compatible with the PTFE (Teflon) pipe that has been ordered to avoid the connection at the the turn of the cooling pipe. Detector Cooling database provides information on this subject. Material budget considerations Prototype thermal optimization done. Precise calculation of the local and average material budget for the present and optimized prototypes would help optimizing from material budget viewpoint. Estimation important for the prototypes at the outer layers. Overview
WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20124M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Piping diameter for two-phase cooling system Based on results obtained with D08 prototype and C 4 F 10, and using correlations to back up the ΔT Sat for the experienced Δp. For given mass flow rate -> max. ΔT Sat -> max. Δp allowed -> Pipe D min Pipe-refrigerant compatibility: C 4 F 10 is not compatible with the PTFE (Teflon) pipe that has been ordered to avoid the connection at the the turn of the cooling pipe. Detector Cooling database provides information on this subject. Material budget considerations Prototype thermal optimization done. Precise calculation of the local and average material budget for the present and optimized prototypes would help optimizing from material budget viewpoint. Estimation important for the prototypes at the outer layers. Overview To be done
ITS External Layers WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20125M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Preliminary estimations: based on the High Thermal Conductivity Plate design. Parameters to define: D_pipe, plate thickness, material budget. D-pipe??
ITS External Layers WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20126M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Inner layers Layer N staves [-] P min stave [W cm -2 ] P max stave [W cm -2 ] Chip surface [cm -2 ] N chips per stave [-] Min power per layer [W] Max power per layer [W] Outer layers Layer N staves [-] P min stave [W cm -2 ] P max stave [W cm -2 ] Chip surface [cm -2 ] N chips per stave [-] Min power per layer [W] Max power per layer [W] Inner layers Layer Min power per layer [W] Max power per layer [W] ΔT [K] m min stave [kg s-1] v [m s -1 ] D_pipe [mm] m max stave [kg s -1 ] v [m s -1 ] D_pipe [mm] Outer layers Layer Min power per layer [W] Max power per layer [W] ΔT [K] m min stave [kg s-1] v [m s -1 ] D_pipe [mm] m max stave [kg s -1 ] v [m s -1 ] D_pipe [mm] Power dissipation Pipe diameter estimation
ITS External Layers WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20127M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Pressure drop estimation L4-L5 0.3 W cm -2 d_i [mm]m [l min -1 ]L [m]v [m s -1 ]ΔT in-out [K]ReΔp lam [bar]HTC (lam) [W m -2 K -1 ]ΔT wall-water [K] L6-L7 0.3 W cm -2 d_i [mm]m [l min -1 ]L [m]v [m s -1 ]ΔT in-out [K]ReΔp lam [bar]HTC (lam) [W m -2 K -1 ]ΔT wall-water [K] Single stave L6-L7 0.3W cm -2 30mm 1475mm W Single stave L4-L5 0.3W cm -2 30mm 843mm 75.87W
ITS External Layers WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20128M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Mechanical constraints Option A: stave is a full module. Sag can be a problem: L4-5 -> 843 mm; L6-7 -> 1475 mm long Manufacturing? Option B: stave composed by multiple modules. Need connections for piping and supports along the stave. Bigger material budget? Leaks? Mechanical constraints seem tighter than the cooling requirements.
DSF water tests WG4 Meeting - 16th October 20129M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Circuit status By-pass made to increase the demand of water at our output and prevent pressure oscillations (needs optimization). Pressure fluctuations at the inlet not suppressed so far: Agree with other users of water circuit on a schedule? Use independent plant (TRD Cuvee, ATLAS Julabo). Prototype tests: status Wound-truss structure with 0.1 mm thick carbon fiber (D10): tests undergoing. HTC Plate structure (D11): heater not glued yet Similar to D06 prototype (performed under 30 °C) Essential to fully understand and characterize the behavior of this solution.
DSF water tests WG4 Meeting - 16th October M. Gomez Marzoa, E. Da Riva Circuit status By-pass made to increase the demand of water at our output and prevent pressure oscillations (needs optimization). Pressure fluctuations at the inlet not suppressed so far: Agree with other users of water circuit on a schedule? Use independent plant (TRD Cuvee, ATLAS Julabo). Prototype tests: status Wound-truss structure with 0.1 mm thick carbon fiber (D10): tests undergoing. HTC Plate structure (D11): heater not glued yet Similar to D06 prototype (performed under 30 °C) Essential to fully understand and characterize the behavior of this solution. To be done