oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague1 Calibration system for SiPM and LED notched fibre distributing system Ivo Polák, on behalf prague’s group 1.QMB1 performance 2.QMB1 with Toroidal inductor at PCB 3.Trigger distribution 4.Notched fibre light distribution systems 3x24 5.Resume
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague2 Two calib. systems since 2003 CMB Quasy Resonant systems present Members of our group: –Physicists: J. Cvach group leader, J. Smolik, J. Zalesak –Electoronics: J. Kvasnicka, M. Janata, I. Polak –D. Lednicky
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague3 Calibration and Monitoring Board (CMB) CMB consists of: –12 UV LEDs, each LED illuminates 18 scintillating tiles –12 pin-photodiodes preamplifier (LED feedback) –Light flash is steerable in width (2~100ns) and in amplitude –Controlled externally by CANbus, T-calib (LVDS) and V-calib (differential analog signal) –Temperature readout, several sensors are placed on the module June 11, 2011TIPP 2011, Kvasnicka3 12 LEDs Photo-diodes HCAL 1m 2 BT , now WHCAL T=Temp sensor.. HCAL layer
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague4 LED driver on CMB The LED is driven differentially The key component is an IC IXLD02, a LED driver from IXIS company Reverse voltage is applied right after the pulse LED stops to shine immediately Disadvantage: RFI (radio frequency interference) due to the sharp edges June 11, 2011TIPP 2011, Kvasnicka4
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague5 CMB results CMD worked well for the 1m3 HCAL phys. Prototype (and still works with WHCAL!) Used for –Low intensity: the Single Photon Spectrum (gain calibration) –High intensity: SiPM saturation –Temperature measurements (for corrections) June 11, 2011TIPP 2011, Kvasnicka5
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague6 QMB1 Quasi resonant Main Board –Modular system, 1 LED per board –DAQ + CANbus control, or stand-alone mode –LVDS Trigger distribution system –Variable amplitude, zero to maximum smooth –Pulse width fixed to abt. 5ns (UV or blue LED) –Voltages and temperature monitor –Width of PCB 30mm, depth 140mm
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague7 Quasi-Resonant LED driver Less RFI, not sensitive to magnetic field – tested up to 4T PCB integrated toroidal inductor (~35nH) Fixed pulse-width (~4ns) LED current 1V => 1A PIN signal 4ns/div 1A pp To be increased, to get more light. Longer pulse Larger inductor GET more light!
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague8 8 6-LED QR driver Main Board = QMB6 Consists: - 6 QR LED drivers - 2 PIN PD preamps - CPU + communication module, CANbus - Voltage regulators - temperature and voltage monitoring
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague9 LED, optical power test DC and pulsed Optical Power Meter PM100D with Si sensor S130D by Thorlabs Some LEDs intended to calibration Prague, March 2010
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague10 QMB6 performance June 11, 2011TIPP 2011, Kvasnicka10 3 mm 5 mm Very nice single photon spectrum (due to <3.5 ns pulse) Nice saturation curves (12 LEDs illuminated by 1 LED) We did a test in 4T magnetic field with a minimal effect (<1%) on operation Dynamic range up to 200 MIPs per position LED optical power up to 0.4 nJ per pulse ~200 MIPs
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague11 Principal schema Larger inductor than the older QMB6
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague12 Signal distribution at 30 x 140 mm^2 Two flat cables, Twisted pair for Trigger
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague13 TRIGGER (T-calib) LVDS distribution to QMB1 Trigger from DAQ master slave Terminated 120ohm RX TX LVDS Up to slaves modules
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague14 3D draw of QMB1 LED fibre PWR 15V and CANbus T-calib LVDS flat cable
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague15 Mechanical layout of QMB1 Outer line: 30 (29) x 140 mm*2 4 mounting holes for M2.5 screw LED
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague16 Notches at one long fibre (24notches total) Notch # 4Notch # 24 last one, biggest Light coupled from tap LED side Taken on microscope with zoom ~50
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague17 Notched fibre illuminated by green laser pointer
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague18 Optical fiber: performance We have measured several hand-made notched fiber: –72 notches: tolerance within 20% –24 notches: tolerance within 15% –12 notches: tolerance within 10% We had a measurement mismatch with a fiber producer We discovered, that the measurement methodology is crucial Latest measurements of the light yield –Through the 3mm hole on the PCB (FR4 with filled inner layer) –3 positions of the notch according to the PCB thru-hole June 11, 2011TIPP 2011, Kvasnicka18 “start” position“middle” position“end” position
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague19 work at 2011 QMB1 (1-chanel LED driver): –Done Topology, PCB design Communicating bus (CAN) CPU (Atmel AVR) Trigger distribution (LVDS) Trigger delay canbe tuned by C trimmer (~10ns) 4 mounting holes for screw M2.5 Fibre(LED) position set to center of PCB –PCB in production + assembly –To be done Debugging in October/beginning of Nov Set of notched fibers, semiautomat machine under development –Set: 3*fibre with 24 notches, creating a line of 72 notches. –3 sets will be delivered in November 2010 Idea
oct - 6Ivo Polák, FZU, Prague20 Resume QMB1 is in PCB design stage –Exact position of PCB holes to be defined –Exact UV-LED position, coupling to fibre to be defined QMB1 in hand with fw - expected in autumn We are open to collaborate with other group!