By Sydney C
English: two years of education in English in an English-speaking country with one of the following: English 12 (67%) or Three credits of post-secondary English, Humanities or Social Sciences (67%) from a recognized institute Math: one of the following: Math 11 (67%) or Math for Business - OPMT 0199 (67%) or Business Math Assessment Test - OPMT 0198 (67%)
Housing=$7158 Tuition=$ Course material Level 1: $775; Level 2: $500; Level 3: $700; Level 4: $600 Transport-N/A (on campus)-U-pass part of tuition Food= a month
Length of program: 2 years (1 year=first 2 levels of the program) Level 1 Business Information systems Business Law Business Communications 1 Microeconomics Essentials of Marketing Business Mathematics Organizational Behavior
Level 2 Business information systems 2 for MKTG Principles of Management Business Communication 2 Macroeconomics Accounting for management Accounting for Management Introduction to marketing communications Sales Skills Business Statistics
Entrance Awards BCIT Presidents Entrance Award
The program allows you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to start your own business, build a career in a growing company, or take on an important role in your family's business. The program additionally allows you to take part in a ten week internship that allows you to strengthen business connections. It further allows you to have an incorporate a new addition on your resume. While expanding you experience there can be circumstances in which a job offer may be proposed from a sponsoring company.. While someone like me refers to my future a year from now; it prompts me to start peeking at university courses and ways to obtain financial stability. But looking at this program it makes me realize that there are people looking farther into the future and life after. Overall along with the new experience and knowledge gained on the field it prepares you for your role in the business aspect of the economy after post-secondary.
BCIT. " BCIT : : Marketing Management (Entrepreneurship Option): Full-time, Diploma. N.A, Web. 23 July N.A. "BCCAT EP." Entrepreneurship & Social Media Statement of Completion. British Columbia, Web. 23 July N.A. "Diploma of Business – Business Entrepreneurship | ALISON | ALISON." Diploma of Business – Business Entrepreneurship | ALISON | ALISON. Alison, Web. 23 July 2015.