NASPA Faculty Council Online Faculty Forum Monday, November 30, 2015 Welcome Audio: To mitigate background noise and reverberation in the system, all participant microphones will be set to “mute”. You are asked to only unmute your mic when you are speaking to the group. If using your computer’s audio system, you are encouraged to use earphones/buds. This also helps reduce the amount of reverberation. A “Mute” button or microphone Icon can be found in the lower left corner of your Zoom window. You may have to move your mouse over the window for the link to appear Video : We will only use individual video if there are fewer than 8 participants. Otherwise, the use of video is likely to disrupt the connection. Text Chat: A text chat area is available for individuals to post messages at any time during the session. You can access the text chat area by clicking on the “thought bubble” and word “Chat” that appears on the bottom of the Zoom window. You may have to move your mouse over the window for the link to appear.
NASPA Faculty Council Online Faculty Forum Today’s Topic: April 15 Common Response Deadline Session Moderators: Pam Havice, Professor & Coordinator of Student Affairs Master’s & Higher Education Doctorate Programs, Clemson University; Chair, NASPA Faculty Council Danielle DeSawal, Clinical Associate Professor & Coordinator of Master’s in Higher Education & Student Affairs Program, Indiana University Bloomington; Chair, ACPA Commission on Professional Preparation
Council of Graduate Schools Agreement Language Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15; earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this Resolution. In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15.
Council of Graduate Schools Agreement Language However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made. Similarly, an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previously accepted offer. It is further agreed by the institutions and organizations subscribing to the above Resolution that a copy of this Resolution or a link to the URL should accompany every scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, and assistantship offer.
Notes o The April 15th deadline has not changed, the dates of Visitation/Recruitment weekends keep getting earlier; Is part of the problem our own doing? Have we created the challenge by moving our visit days? o Financial Aid Office may be placing pressure on programs to encourage students to accept GA packages o We can be good colleagues to each other by sharing resources and ways of working on our campuses
Notes o The deadline can work against other students because the way the assistantship process works on particular campuses; each student only gets one offer at the campus but has until April 15 to decide, making it difficult for students who may be alternates and they will not know if they will have an assistantship available until after the deadline Alternate pool begins to dwindle and this makes it difficult for assistantship supervisors who may end up with no final candidates o There may also be an issue with students that play institutions off each other; how do we address this?
Notes Get more VPSA involved in this conversation to help their staff manage the process Any consideration of an alternative date for HESA programs other than April 15? Communicating to other faculty it is important to understand the origins and history of the agreement. Is this agreement an extension of In Loco Parentis? Are members interested in the associations approaching Council of Graduate Programs about revisiting this agreement?
Notes Develop materials that we can also use to help address concerns with our colleagues in academic affairs positions Moving dates may not really resolve the issue, it still has to do with the parts all working together and positions be dependent upon others making their decisions Coaching students on how to respond to situations in which they feel pressured to make a decision before April 15 Reporting concerns/violations to Deans, etc.
Notes Possibly host a similar discussion a this one with those in administrative positions; hiring roles; etc. Perhaps our faculty at institutions with Council of Graduate School board members could speak about the date Developing updated materials to help educate and inform applicants about how to make their decision and choice of program. A work group representing NASPA & ACPA re-write and develop materials to present at the spring annual conferences; share with faculty ahead of conferences to support discussion at conferences; If interested contact Pam or Danielle
Upcoming On-Line Forums January 25, 2016 : Online Classes & Programs February 29, 2016: Curriculum Development March 28, 2016: Culminating/Degree Certification Experiences April 25, 2016: The Program Coordinator Role