Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Information Dissemination
Slide 2 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 To understand the need to run a credible and effective system of information dissemination. Objective
Slide 3 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Procedures for collection of national and international information related to radiation safety Dissemination of information to users, suppliers, international organisations etc. Dissemination of information to members of the public, media and other interested parties. Contents
Slide 4 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Types of Information Occupational information Collection of Information Patient doses Public doses Accidents / Incidents Feedback from inspections Enforcement actions
Slide 5 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Occupational dose data:- Radiation Safety Information is obtained from dosimetry service providers –national data collected and analysed; assists in determining inspection priorities; allows users to compare their performance to the average. –average doses determined; –determine numbers exceeding dose levels; –analysed by practice / employment type; –identify trends over time.
Slide 6 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 can be obtained from a national survey or from user’s measurements; Radiation Safety Information (cont) Patient Dose data:- national data collected and analysed to determine:- aids optimisation by users; assists in determining inspection priorities. –average doses; –trends over time; –guidance levels / action levels set.
Slide 7 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Example – Dental Radiology BSS Bitewing Guidance Dose - 7 mGy
Slide 8 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Doses from natural sources –radon –cosmic radiation –terrestrial and building materials –food and drink Doses from man-made sources –medical –radioactive discharges –fallout Radiation Safety Information (cont) Public Doses
Slide 9 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 UNSCEAR report on Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation Volume I: Sources Volume II: Effects Comparison of data from different countries Radiation Safety Information (cont) International Information
Slide 10 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 The type of Information provided to users and suppliers should include:- Information Dissemination reports on accidents, incidents; feedback from inspections; enforcement actions; guidance on good practice; Rapid information dissemination may be necessary following accidents or incidents.
Slide 11 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 from individuals who are concerned about personal health issues. e.g. their exposure to radiation for medical purposes; living near radiation facilities, etc.; Information Dissemination (cont) Information requested by the public and the media may be:- driven by media coverage of accidents, incidents, the publication of articles in scientific journals, etc.
Slide 12 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 can take up significant staff time with one-to one discussions and document preparation. Information Dissemination (cont) Information disseminated to the public and the media:- should be made available through the Authority’s web site. should include reports of accident investigations, where these are of public relevance. Example media release
Slide 13 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 Information Dissemination (cont) Information disseminated to the public and the media:- The Authority should prepare information sheets on common issues of user and public interest, and ensure that staff handling public enquiries are trained to give consistent advice.
Slide 14 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 An inspector of the Regulatory Authority receives a phone call from the owner of a scrap metal yard who reports that a device containing radioactive material is in the scrap yard. Originally, the device was a metal frame more than 1.5 metres long weighing approximately kg but during handling it was cut into two pieces. This revealed lead inside the tube-shaped metal frame. (cont) Exercise
Slide 15 Organization and Implementation of a National Regulatory Program for the Control of Radiation Sources Module 3-13 A label fixed onto the frame with warning signs and texts in English led the scrap yard owner to suspect a radiation hazard. With a hand held radiation meter he measured dose rate levels of the order of 1 mSv/h near the device. Elevated levels, up to 50 Sv/h, were also measured in a few locations metres from the device. What facts should be included in a news media release? (Assume the radioactive source is secured and preliminary investigation results are available.) Exercise (cont)