Canadian History 11 Semester II February 2007
Canadian History 11 This course is designed to help you learn more about Canada and its history. In short, it will examine: –how Canada was created and how it has evolved, –who have been the key figures in its development, –what has been Canada’s role in the international community.
5 Major Themes Our study of Canada’s history will involve the following themes: Development Globalization Governance Justice Sovereignty
5 Major Themes Globalization –What has been Canada’s place in the community of nations? –What should Canada’s role be? Development –How has the Canadian economy evolved in an attempt to meet the needs and wants of all Canadian peoples? Governance –Have governments in Canada, past and present, been reflective of Canadian societies? Sovereignty –How have struggles for sovereignty defined Canada? –How do they continue to define Canada? Justice –How has Canada struggled for a just and fair society?
Canada’s History in Stages 1.The Peopling of the Americas 2.Early European Contact 3.New France and the Royal Government 4.The Road to Confederation 5.Confederation and Canada’s Early Years as a Nation 6.WWI and the Interwar Period 7.WWII and the Post-War Canada
A few things you should know Textbook Daily attendance Missed work Extensions Quizzes and Tests Plagiarism Term Evaluation Classroom Expectations
Textbook and Course Resources Canada’s History: Voices and Visions Other media (magazines, books, film, etc.) For this course, you must stay informed about current issues –Read the daily news (eg. online) –Watch the evening news every night
Daily Attendance Daily attendance is vital to this course. –Being successful starts with being in class.
Missed Work Students are responsible for all class notes, lecture material and assignments. In the event of an absence (excused or otherwise), you must obtain notes from another student. –Copies of all missed work will be made available. It is your responsibility to retrieve missed work.
Extensions Assignments, readings and projects are due on the assigned date. If an extension is needed, speak to me at least 3 days prior to the due date. At that time, the nature of the extension will be determined – if one is warranted.
Quizzes and Tests Quizzes and tests make up a significant portion of your mark. They give you the opportunity to pull together all of your knowledge concerning the material we have studied – but you must prepare for them. Tests will be announced well in advance. They are not optional, and you are required to write tests on the day they are given.
Quizzes and Tests (cont’d) If a test is missed… during an excused absence, you will be required to make it up on the day of your return. This is your responsibility. If you do not make such arrangements with me, a grade of zero will be automatically assigned. during an unexcused absence, there will be no opportunity to make it up and a grade of zero will be automatically assigned.
Plagiarism Be smart and be careful when completing assignments. This is serious stuff. Plagiarism will result in –a mark of zero, –a phone call home and –a possible referral to administration.
Term Evaluation Assignments37% Projects20% Quizzes / Tests33% Semester Mark70% Final Exam30%
Classroom Expectations Preparedness Participation Respect Washroom / Water breaks MP3s, iPods, etc. Language Food / Drink Cell Phones Lates Absences
Preparedness Come prepared! This course will involve a significant amount of writing and note-taking. Each student is expected to come prepared each class with his/her textbook, all the necessary materials and, of course, a positive attitude!
Participation Class discussion and group participation will be a part of this course. Each student is expected to participate in class discussions and to respect the opinions of others (both students and teacher). A mature attitude and a consistent effort are expected.
Respect All students are expected to show respect for those around them. You will not have to agree with your classmates on all issues, but you will have to treat them with respect. Students are expected to stay on task at all times. Talking at inappropriate times is unacceptable. Students should raise their hands if they have questions. Rudeness, fooling around or any other juvenile behaviour are neither welcome nor tolerated.
Washroom / Water Breaks The appropriate times to use the washroom or to get a drink are before school, between classes, at lunch, and after school. Our class time together is limited and we must make the most of it; do not ask to leave unless it is absolutely urgent. Students are not permitted to use the washroom during the first or last 20 minutes of class, nor will washroom breaks be permitted during a lecture. Do not bother asking during these times.
MP3s, iPods, etc. MP3 players, iPods or any similar electronic devices are not permitted in class. The classroom is a learning environment, and these devices only to lead to distraction. Please leave them at home.
Language Condescending, intimidating or foul language will not be tolerated. This includes written, spoken, gestured or implied communication.
Food and Drink Students are not permitted to bring food or drink into the classroom.
Cell Phones Cell phones are not permitted in class. If one is seen or heard, it will be confiscated and turned over to the Main Office, where it may be retrieved from Administration. Please leave them in your lockers.
Lates If you are late, you will only be permitted to enter class if you have an Admit Slip. –If you do not have an Admit Slip, you will be marked absent.
Absences Students who are absent from class must have their parent / guardian either call the school or provide a note in order to have their absence registered as excused. Unexcused absences will be dealt with as follows: – Skip #1 Teacher will speak to student and the skip will be documented. – Skip #2 Teacher will speak to student and telephone parent or guardian. Warning is issued that subsequent skips will be referred to Administration. Skip will be documented. – Skip #3 Teacher will notify administration and document the skip. Administration will talk to student and parent / guardian.
Absences (cont’d) Any student who registers 5 absences (including both excused and unexcused) will have a letter sent to their home by administration. Attendance will be closely monitored. Refer to exam exemption policy