Liver Fibrosis Liver Fibrosis is Characterized by Excessive Scarring Excessive Production and deposition of Collagens (elastin and laminin) 3. Decreased Collagenolytic activity (1) 4. Altered Extra cellular matrix ( ECM )
Biochemical Marker Hydroxy Proline ( HP) Altered ECM – Major producer of fibrotic neomatrix Altered ECM – excess collagen - Triple Helix structure Stabilized by Hydroxy Proline
Altered ECM Degraded by Matrix Metallo Proteinase (MMP) 2 & 3 Inhibited by Tissue Inhibitors of MMP ( TIMPS) In fibrosis Excessive Production of TIMPS TIMPS expression correlates with HP
INDUCTION Liver fibrosis – results of repeated repair of chronic liver damage. Chronic Liver injury – chemicals – CCl4. Single dose – Liver Damage Repeated doses – Chronic Liver damage.
Materials and Methods Animals - Male Albino Wistar rats Groups I - Normal II - CCL4 -1 ml/kg mixed with equal volume of liquid paraffin twice a week for 4 weeks (4) III - “ + 5 ml of diluted Noni extract in divided doses.
Biochemical Parameters Aspartate Transaminase (AST – IU/L) Alanine Transaminase (ALT – IU/L) Alkaline Phosphatase ( ALP – IU/L) Total Bilirubin (TBL – mg/dl) Hydroxyproline (HP – mg/g of liver) Other Parameters Body Weight Liver Weight
Effect of Noni on biochemical Parameter AST ( IU/L) ALT ( IU/L) ALP ( IU/L) TBL (mg/dl) HP (μg/g of liver tissue) GROUPS Groups I 159 ± 6 47 ± 2 215 ± 7 0.48 ± .01 53 ± 3 II 289 ± 11* 102 ± 5* 396 ± 8* 1.6 ± .08* 124 ± 7* III 175 ± 8*a 61 ± 4*a 235 ± 12*a 0.7 ± 0.3*a 77 ± 3*a Significantly different from Group –I *a Significantly different from Group - II
Effect of Noni on liver and Body weight GROUPS Body Weight Liver Weight on Day 28 Day 1 Day 28 I 163 ± 4 164 ± 3 3.4 ± 0.3 II 165 ± 3 148±2* 4.5 ±0.06* 3.8 ± 0.05*a III 164 ± 2 159 ±2*a Significantly different from Group –I *a Significantly different from Group - II
DISCUSSION Hepatic stellate cells of Liver are associated with fibrosis Normally – Vit A stores Chronic injury – proliferation Excessive secretion of collagen Altered ECM HP
Level of HP correlates with the extent of fibrosis Scope for future study CCL4 CCL3 (free radical) Lipid peroxidation Liver damage Antioxidant potential confirms the antifibrotic potential
CONCLUSION AST, ALT, ALP, TBL levels confirm the hepato protective potential HP level in group III indicate the antifibrotic potential of NONI
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