How to Increase the Real and Perceived Professionalism of Insect Rearing Specialists Norm Leppla and Frank Davis University of Florida & Mississippi State University
Professional Competence- expert with specialized knowledge (education, training, experience, continuous improvement) Diligence- employs knowledge and ability to be highly productive (conscientious, effective, efficient) Responsive- rapidly delivers timely, high quality work (available, receptive, motivated) Collaborative- works well with people (ethical, civil, enthusiastic) Independent- manages workload and time (personal accountability and minimal supervision) Appreciated- receives compensation and respect (valued, admired)
Respect- real and perceived stature, appreciation, valued for abilities, qualities or achievements Rodney Dangerfield
Pioneer Rearing Team Cristina Verdu Agueda Pose BioNostrum - Spain Insect Rearing Professionals
How Do We Increase Professionalism? How Do We Increase Professionalism? 1. Develop written job performance criteria and standards for insect rearing professionals 2. Increase and advance insect rearing continuous education, training and possibly certification 3. Improve access to education and training, specialized information, scientific and technical meetings, and insect rearing networks 4. Provide career paths and incentives for advancement of insect rearing professionals 5. Treat insect rearing professionals with respect!
How Do We Increase Professionalism? How Do We Increase Professionalism? 6. Improve insect rearing infrastructure, including facilities, equipment, materials, methods, health and safety, etc. 7. Establish guidelines for conducting insect rearing research and development 8. Publish insect rearing research and technology in accessible publications 9. Successfully rear and deliver high quality insects for current and new applications
Position Description for Insect Rearing Professional Demonstrated competence, including continuous education, training, and experience in rearing insects Knowledge of insect biology, working with insects, quarantine and shipping regulations, etc. Demonstrated ability to dependably establish, maintain and improve establish, maintain and improve insect colonies while receiving insect colonies while receiving minimal supervision minimal supervision Peter Ebling
Position Description for Insect Rearing Professional Demonstrated ability and willingness to communicate verbally and in writing Demonstrated teamwork and collaboration in rearing insects and providing them along with information and customer support Commitment to advancing the field of insect rearing science
Education and Training Apprentice in an insectary Network with other professionals Literature plus trial and error Visit other insectaries Reviews by experts Education and training programs Insect Rearing Education and Research Program North Carolina State University Allen Cohen
Insect Rearing Workshop Mississippi State University John Schneider Frank Davis John Schneider /
Certificates (non-degree) Urban Pest Management Landscape Pest Management Pest Control Technology Potential for Certification in Insect Rearing Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management Environmental Policy and Management Latin American Studies Tropical Agriculture
Network with Professionals
Insectary Managers (35 Members) This network is open to anyone associated with the mass rearing of insects for research projects, control programs, or other purposes. Network with Professionals
Purpose: to facilitate and advance cost-effective rearing of high quality insects and other arthropods (now also nematodes) in support of biological control and integrated pest management InternationalOrganization for for Biological Biological Control Control Network with Professionals
Career Paths for Insect Rearing Professionals Biology Fine Arts Plant Pathology Agronomy Animal Science Microbiology Entomology Marketing Food Science Agribusiness Horticulture Apiculture Wildlife Mgmt. Biochemistry 2011 Class Education Experience
Career Paths for Insect Rearing Professionals Pest Management State and local government National government International government Private sector Insects and Products Display and release Chemical products and processes Research and education Ru Nguyen
Guidelines for Rearing Research Significant problem warranting research Appropriate experimental design and methods Repeatable using clearly described methods Results significant and conclusive, complete life cycle? More than one generation? Appropriate quantitative (statistical) methods Manuscript prepared properly- narrative, tables, figures, references, and review
How to Increase the Real and Perceived Professionalism of Insect Rearing Specialists How to Increase the Real and Perceived Professionalism of Insect Rearing Specialists Competent Diligent Responsive Collaborative Independent Appreciated Jose Parra