Introduction China – NZ Model Programme Joint Research Project Mr. Tony O’Brien and (in absentia) Madam Liu Yufeng Hamilton, Nov 25, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction China – NZ Model Programme Joint Research Project Mr. Tony O’Brien and (in absentia) Madam Liu Yufeng Hamilton, Nov 25, 2015

Outline Model Programme BackgroundCurrent Progress Next Steps


The New Zealand – China Vocational and Professional Education and Training Model Programme (MP) incorporates: “ both the theoretical and practical elements involved in the setting up inter-institutional relationships, including joint programmes, curriculum development and the delivery of quality assured New Zealand qualifications in China ”

合作活动 Cooperative Activities 信息分享及研究项目 Information Sharing and Research Projects 信息共享 Information Sharing 职业教育标准体系 VET quality standards 教育部职业技术教育中心研究 所 及怀卡托理工学院 CIVTE and Wintec 合作办学项目 Cooperative Education Programme 专业发展项目 Professional Development Programme 职教发展论坛 China NZ Development Forum 合作研讨会 Beijing Cooperation Symposium 其他 Others 2015/2016 Work Plan

The Model Programme is, by definition, a programme centred on provision of transnational education. A key element of the Model Programme Work Plan for 2015/2016, the “information sharing and research project”, is focused on assuring quality outcomes in TNE.

Research Project: 2015/2016 The first stage – information sharing – involves both countries gathering information from a variety of sources to highlight the “standards” used in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of technical and vocational education and training In stage two, researchers from both countries will compare and discuss the quality assurance systems of the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) of both PRC and NZ. The research will focus on TVET Quality Standards and will make recommendations to update the current TVET quality standards in the two countries

Research in progress: Three fundamental steps Phase 1: Establish Current State: Describe the critical features, standards and indicators used nationally, institutionally and at an individual programme level. Phase 2: Comparative Analysis: The identification of the features, standards, processes and procedures will then enable comparative analysis to undertaken. Phase 3: Recommendations: Recommendations will be made on how quality assured NZ- PRC model programmes and qualifications can be delivered and monitored.

中新职业教育质量标准体系比较研究研讨会 ( ) Inception workshop of the Research Project (June 29, 2015)

内容框架 Content Framework 背景 The Background 职业教育标准体系 Vocational Education and Quality Systems In China and NZ 国家层面 National Level 学校层面 Institutional Level 学校标准 Institutional Quality System 指标 Standards 工具 Tools 专业层面 Course level 旅游 Tourism Course 市场营销 Marketing Course 教师培训 Train the Trainer Course 数控 Numerical Control Course 比较分析 Comparative Analysis 建议 Recommendation 优质职业 院校指标 High Quality Standard Research Content (Structure)

The progress of research project Under the guidance of Prof Liu Yufeng of the Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE); Wintec, Qingdao Technical College and Tianjin Light Industry Vocational Technical College are collaborating and coordinating on the production of the Information Sharing and Research Report, which needs to be completed by November this Forum is a significant milestone in the project plan, whereby we are sharing relevant information and, in particular, discussing important aspects of quality in TVET.

Tianjin Light Industry Vocational Technical College Tianjin Light Industry Vocational Technical College report on progress (sic): Providing background on China's vocational education system and the modern vocational education system, including Higher vocational education evaluation index system The cultivation of talents evaluation index system of vocational schools and colleges in The cultivation of talents evaluation index system of higher vocational colleges in The high quality evaluation index system in higher vocational colleges. The quality diagnosis and improvement plan for Vocational colleges model design and producing professionals. The teaching methods evaluation system in regards to the marketing major, especially in the equipment manufacturing industry.

Qingdao Technical College (QTC) During the course of this Forum, you will hear presentations from six scholars from QTC, led by their Team Leader, Ya Mei. This work is focussed on quality aspects at the institutional and course level.

The Scholars have been studying New Zealand pedagogical approaches during their time at Wintec and have now designed research projects that will: Embed aspects of the New Zealand approach (such as student centred learning) into existing courses at QTC. Run the course and assess the impact of this new approach on outcomes The final research results will be presented at the Nov 2016 Forum and will form part of the output of the information sharing and research project. Research Programme – Course Level

Two key outcomes of the Phase 1 of the Information Sharing and Research Project: 1.Identification of institutional criteria (standards) that ensure partners selected are able to co-develop programs and qualifications that first, promotes and secondly, protect the reputation of the qualifications offered, the institutions involved and the national training system of the respective countries. 2.Design based research. QTC and Wintec are designing research which will result in assessment of the practical implementation of New Zealand educational approaches into Qingdao Technical College courses.

Three key aspects of Phase 1 of the Information Sharing and Research Project: 1.Information sharing around the NZ Tertiary Education Strategies (TEC) and the system level quality assurance framework and processes (NZQA). 2.Identification of institutional criteria (standards) that ensures partners selected are able to co-develop programs and qualifications that first, promotes and secondly protects the reputation of the qualifications offered, the institutions involved and the national training system of the respective countries. 3.Design based research. QTC and Wintec designing research which will result in assessment of the practical implementation of New Zealand educational approaches at Qingdao Technical College.

The quality assurance of tertiary education in New Zealand Susan Smart/Ferdi Lutter Quality Assurance Division

Excellence in Vocational Teaching Educational Conference 25 & 26 September 2013