Do Now Immigration and Migration article- –Read article and annotate for the question of the week and answer the questions that follow the reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now Immigration and Migration article- –Read article and annotate for the question of the week and answer the questions that follow the reading.

What led to anti-immigrant policies in the US in the 20 th century? What was the draw of the US to immigrants and does the American Dream exist? Question of the Week:

DO NOW- 10minutes Use your text book to define the following terms for Chapter 7 Section 1 Ellis Island Angel Island Melting Pot Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act Gentleman’s Agreement

Chapter 7- The New Immigrants Read as a class and take notes p Read Independently and take notes

Knew, New, Q Using today’s information, on a separate sheet of paper write the following things: –Knew- information from the lesson that was review for you –New- information from class that is new to you –Q- a question that is still lingering about today’s lesson

Homework The Chinese Exclusion Act worksheet v7yTqLE&feature=relatedhttps:// v7yTqLE&feature=related