Forward Pixel Beamtest Analysis Carsten Rott Purdue University Januar 24, 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

Forward Pixel Beamtest Analysis Carsten Rott Purdue University Januar 24, 2001

New Results Strong correlation between pedestal level of pixels Correction of common noise improves signal Readout data Corrected for pedestal level Corrected for ped. level + common noise Signal Pedestal

New Results Looking at a region where pixel have a similar gain Signal Pedestal Readout data Corrected for pedestal level Corrected for ped. level + common noise

New Results Signal of 10 pixels with common gain after correction of common noise Signal of pixels in double column after correction of common noise

New Results Pixel gain (difference between signal and pedestal in ADC) ADC

Summary of previous Results Resolution along rows and columns was investigated Resolution depends on hit position Resolution for 0 0, 20 0 with and without 3T field was found Charge sharing can be used for a great improvement in resolution Resolution

Summary of previous Results So far no direct measurement of absolute efficiency possible because of time stamp problem Strong correlation between tracked position and hit, indicates high efficiency Efficiency

Summary of previous Results Bump bonding, pixel, (readout chip) are working Demonstration of a working system in a 3T field. The high magnetic field does not effect the system Lorentz angle problem (not enough charge sharing due to mag. Field) General Results

Future Plans We might be able to get efficiency from X5 results We can get a relative efficiency by looking at the correlation between tracks and hits A set of runs with 0 0, 10 0 and 20 0 angle would further help to understand charge sharing and give a resolution for expected CMS-environment (pixel are rotated by 20 radial and tracks make approx. 10 angle along beam axis) Simulation … expected result from charge sharing Further Analysis that could be done

Future Plans Build a working system (DAQ,Telescope,Pixel, …) at home, learn how to use it / train people on it and ship it to the test beam Sensor needs to be able to be rotated about multiple rotation axes, so that tracks can pass through the sensor at a 20 0 vertical and 10 0 horizontal angle Need to be able to readout/activate multiple columns Need to develop an on-line log book, to save run parameters automatically plus allows extra entries What to learn for the next beam test ?

Future Plans Publishing Results + What should we publish ? - what is good ? - what is new ? + Where are we going to publish it ? - NIM, Journal of Phys. G, CMS Note + Where is it going to be presented ? - APS meeting, … other conferences ?