BACK-FORMATION ----By the fourth group
二. Back-formation 逆生法 I. Definition: Back-formation is an abnormal type of word- formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from an already existing longer word in the vocabulary. beg ← beggar edit ← editor The nouns beggar, editor appeared first in the English language, and then the verb beg and edit.
The majority of back-formed words are verbs, for verbs can develop (or generate) a number of nouns, and various types of participial adjectives. 大多数逆生词是动词,因为(通过派生法)动词 可以派生出许多名词和各种分词形容词。 to create → creator, creation, creating, created Therefore, when people come across one or more apparently deverbal nouns, they often take it for granted that there must be a corresponding verb. ( 因此, 当人们遇到一个或更多的貌似由动词转化而 来的名词时, 他们想当然认为与该名词一定有一个 与之对应的动词 ).
II. Classification: According to its origin, back-formation may be formed from the following parts of speech ( 词类 ). A. Verbs back-formed from nouns ending in –er, -ar, -or, -sion, -tion, etc. ( P.82 ) to automate( 使自动化 ) ←automation to edit← editor to televise( 电视播送 )to televise← television to appreciate← appreciation
to negate ( 否定 ; 否认 ) ← negation to butch (屠宰) ← butcher to destruct ← destruction to audit (审计) ← Auditor (审计员) to spring-clean( 大扫除 )←spring-cleaning to proofread (校对) ←proofreader
B. Verbs back-formed from nouns in other forms or from adjective: to diagnose← diagnosis ( noun ) to enthuse ( 使热心,表示热心 )← enthusiasm (noun) to laze (懒惰,混日子) ← lazy (adjective) to drowse ( 打瞌睡 )← drowsy (adjective)
C. Many new back-formation verbs come from compounds: to house-keep ←housekeeper to sight-see ←sight-seeing D. A few nouns back-formed from adjective greed (n.) ← greedy (adjective) gloom (昏暗, 阴暗) (n.)← gloomy (adjective )
Caution : Some back-formations in English come from words ending in –s that were singular but were mistaken for plurals,such as sherry(from the earlier sherris,taken as a plural),and pea(from pease).And this device is also used to produced nonce words,such as pensable(from indispensable )and gainly(from ungainly).
Conclusion: Back-formed words created by back- formation can be used to enhance different styles of writing: some in political or scientific styles of writing, some in colloquial or journalistic style. In modern English, a number of back- formation words have become the common core in the English vocabulary, such as air-condition, automat, beg, edit, televise, etc.