The New Florida Writing Rubrics
VLTs – Volusia Literacy Tests (3 per year) Summative Course Grades FSA – Florida Standards Assessment 2 parts Writing to Text Reading, Language, and Listening
How are these going to be graded?
The Two Rubrics Informative/Explanatory (also used for Literary Analysis) Argumentation Domains Purpose, Focus, and Organization Evidence and Elaboration Conventions of Standard English
Domain 1: Purpose, Focus, and Organization controlling idea/claim structure progression of ideas transition cohesion style tone audience introduction and conclusion 40 %
Domain 2: Evidence and Elaboration textual support references to sources expression of ideas elaboration techniques precise language academic and domain-specific vocabulary sentence structure 40 %
Domain 3: Conventions of Standard English usage punctuation capitalization sentence formation spelling 20 %
Essays can earn 10 possible points The Rubric Score Purpose, Focus, and Organization Score 0 - 4 _____ Evidence and Elaboration Score Conventions of Standard English Score 0 - 2 + _____ ESSAY SCORE: 0 - 10 3 2 1 6 Essays can earn 10 possible points
Using your Informative/Explanatory Rubric: Read the entire rubric – both sides. Highlight adjectives (descriptive words) as you read.
Those Three Little Words… For each box of the scoring domains, share your adjectives with your table partners. Work with your table partners to limit your list of adjectives in each score to the three most important to a scorer. Just use one adjective for Conventions. Do not to use adjectives more than once. Write your three adjectives for each box on the empty rubric chart.
Just One Word… For each group of three, circle or highlight the best word.
1. Read __(fill in the blank)_________ . Scoring Practice 1. Read __(fill in the blank)_________ . Purpose, Focus, and Organization Score 0 - 4 _____ Evidence and Elaboration Score Conventions of Standard English Score 0 - 2 ESSAY SCORE: 0 - 10 2. Using the FSA Informative Rubric, score the student essay.
Scoring Practice Share your scores with your table group. Discuss each of the three domains and how you derived your scores. Try to come to a consensus score.