Fast and fluid graphics Wide range of network conditions New client devices & form factors Windows Metro style user interface Mobile devices, WAN Touch, Slates
What’s new in Desktop Remoting?
Broad Range of Clients Supported RemoteFX For WAN RemoteFX Adaptive Graphics RemoteFX Media Remoting RemoteFX Multi Touch RemoteFX USB Redirection Metro Style Remote Desktop App Choice of Software or Physical GPU, vGPU for VM Available for Sessions, VM’s and Physical Machines
RemoteFX Adaptive Graphics
New Metro Style Remote Desktop App
Touch friendly UITouch remoting Integrated with app publishing
RemoteFX for WAN
LatencyPacket Loss Limited bandwidth End to end delay/ping (e.g. 100ms) Burst or Random E.g. <2 Mbps vs 100Mbps for LAN
Network autodetect
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