Revolt in China
1916 China in chaos as warlords take power Constant fighting between groups Lack of centralized control, foreign countries increase influence
1919 Japan takes control of German possessions in China after WWI Tried to influence China through Twenty-One Demands –Sought to make China a Japanese protectorate May 4th Movement: –Student protests, boycott Japanese goods –Goal was to strengthen China (*) –Wanted to learn from the West to get stronger & remove imperialist influence –Some turn to democracy, others Marxism (Communism) –Women play a big role
1921 The Nationalists Sun Yixian and his Guomingdang (Nationalist) Party set up in South China Western countries ignore his requests for help, so he turns to the Soviet Union USSR agrees to help, but Sun has to set up Communist learning centers
Nationalists Take Power Sun dies, Jiang Jieshi (Chian Kai-shek) takes over Goal is to crush the warlords one by one and unify country Marches north and captures capital city of Beijing Orders slaughter of communists in Shanghai and other cities
Mao and the Long March Japan invades Manchuria (Northern China) In 1934 Mao Zedong leads 100,000 communists on “Long March” to escape Jiang Only 20,000 survive the 6,000 mile trek During the March, Mao’s troops treat local peasants well and gain their support Mao saw the March as a “seeding machine” where he planted communist ideas among the peasants and poor people
Japan invades main part of China, bombs cities Japan takes control of Eastern China Jiang flees to the South & West. 3 way war between Jiang-Mao- Japanese. US sides with Nationalists during and after WWII Communists win revolution & Mao begins radical changes while Nationalists flee to Taiwan
vs Jiang JieshiMao Zedong
Rape of Nanking “Rape of Nanking” (Nanjing): 250, ,000 dead (city had a population of 600,000) Japanese troops enter city after it had surrendered and commit atrocities Many of the casualties were women and children People were marched out of the city and killed Women were abused before being killed The Japanese saw the Chinese as less than human
Japan in the 20’s and 30’s The Imperial Flag of Japan
Growth of Industry WWI provided a huge boost to Japan’s economy –Sales to the Allies Also allowed for expansion of the Empire –Korea annexed in 1910 –Control of German possessions –Push into China and East Asia
Democracy grows in the 1920’s –By 1925, all men could vote, political parties grow in strength –Diet: Japanese Parliament Zaibatsu: powerful business leaders in Japan –Manipulate politics –Pushed for policies that favored business and trade
Ultranationalists Frustrated by Western demands to stop expansion –Japan’s empire was small compared to large Western ones Outraged with racial policies in America that targeted Japanese immigrants Believed an empire in Asia would bring in needed raw materials
Manchuria Japanese military blows up rail tracks belonging to Japanese co. in Manchuria Blame Chinese Seize Manchuria and set up puppet gov’t headed by former emperor of China League of Nations condemns actions, so Japan withdraws from League Japan violates treaties that limited navy size League does not take action against Japan
Militarists in Power In 1936 Japan allied with Germany and Italy forming the Axis Powers By 1937 the military dominates Japan’s gov’t Japanese military brings back traditional Japanese ways (bushido) Begins to expand empire throughout all of Asia
Growth of the Japanese Empire