The Alphabet game
The answer begins with A A recommendation about what might be thought or said to make a decision, or manage a situation.
The answer begins with B Nonverbal communication; facial expressions, gestures, posture etc; often thought to be involuntary
The answer begins with C Name one thing, that clients expect from a guidance counsellor? (HINT: ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access)
The answer begins with D Who’s theory of guidance says, that “each individual has a unique set of interests, abilities, and personality traits.” (ANSWER: first name, last name)
The answer begins with E A network that promotes mobility, helping guidance counsellors and individuals to better understand the opportunities available to European citizens throughout Europe.
The answer begins with F A Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of northern Europe?
The answer begins with G A service, that helps individuals to make choices about education, training and employment?
The answer begins with H The person, who is being shadowed on the job.
The answer begins with I Data that have been processed into a format that is understandable by its intended audience
The answer begins with J A process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm.
The answer begins with K What are expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject?
The answer begins with L A market that is functioning through the interaction of workers and employers.
The answer begins with M Possibility for people to move between different countries on learning or working purposes
The answer begins with N A social structure made of individuals (or organizations), which are connected by one or more specific types of interdependency.
The answer begins with O What’s the other word for job or profession?
The answer begins with P What is the study of the mind?
The answer begins with Q What is this?
The answer begins with R There are ca …. in Finland.
The answer begins with S Name the most famous Estonian company worldwide?
The answer begins with T The professional activity that helps students to learn about a subject by explaining it or showing them how to do it, usually as a job at a school, college, or university?
The answer begins with U An institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects.
The answer begins with V Freedom from employment; being unoccupied for a while.
The answer begins W The strangest sport that Estonians and Finns share.
The answer begins X A duplicator that copies graphic matter by the action of light on an electrically charged photoconductive insulating surface in which the latent image is developed with a resinous powder.
The answer begins with Y The process of creating an environment where young people can engage in informal educational activities.
To maximize and to minimize. The answer begins with Z