RelAlg: 1 Relational Algebra An Algebra is a pair: (set of values, set of operations) Note that an algebra is the same idea as an ADT Relational Algebra: (relations, relational operators) –set of values = relations –set of operations = relational operators Relational Operators: { , , , , , , , | |, | , , }
RelAlg: 2 – Selection General Form: Examples: Cost > 75 r ArrivalDate = 10 May NrDays > 2 s RoomNr Name NrBeds Cost Kennedy Nixon Carter 2 80 GuestNr RoomNr ArrivalDate NrDays May 5
RelAlg: 3 – Projection General Form: Examples: City g GuestNr,RoomNr s City Boston Hartford Providence GuestNr RoomNr
RelAlg: 4 Closed Set of Operators Results are relations Closed implies we can nest operations in expressions Example: GuestNr,RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s GuestNr RoomNr
RelAlg: 5 Set Operators: , , Name Carter Green RoomNr RoomNr Name r Name g RoomNr r RoomNr s RoomNr Cost < 75 r RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s Note: schemes must be “union compatible.”
RelAlg: 6 – Renaming General Form: Examples: RoomName Name RoomName Cost < 75 r Nr, Name RoomNr Nr r Nr, Name GuestNr Nr g Note: The old attribute must be in the scheme and the new attribute must not be in the scheme. RoomName Blue Green Nr Name
RelAlg: 7 – Cross Product NrBeds r RoomNr s NrBeds RoomNr NrBeds RoomNr = Note: The intersection of the schemes must be empty.
RelAlg: 8 | | – Natural Join r | | g = RoomNr,Name,NrBeds,Cost,GuestNr,StreetNr,City Name = Name (r Name Name g) RoomNr Name NrBeds Cost GuestNr StreetNr City Carter Main Hartford 5 Green Main Boston
RelAlg: 9 Natural Join – Examples A B B C A B C A B C D A B C D A B C B C D A B C D = = = |||| |||| ||||
RelAlg: 10 | | – Theta-Join NrBeds r | | NrBeds<RoomNr RoomNr s | | NrBeds<RoomNr NrBeds RoomNr NrBeds RoomNr = Note: Like cross-product, the intersection of the schemes must be empty.
RelAlg: 11 , , – Outerjoins GuestNr,RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s RoomNr,Name NrBeds = 2 r GuestNr RoomNr RoomNr Name Kennedy 2 Nixon 3 Carter GuestNr RoomNr Name Kennedy Carter 2 Nixon = Note: The outer join retains all “dangling tuples.”
RelAlg: 12 , , – Outerjoins GuestNr,RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s RoomNr,Name NrBeds = 2 r GuestNr RoomNr RoomNr Name Kennedy 2 Nixon 3 Carter GuestNr RoomNr Name Kennedy Carter = Note: The left outer join retains “dangling tuples” on the left.
RelAlg: 13 , , – Outerjoins GuestNr,RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s RoomNr,Name NrBeds = 2 r GuestNr RoomNr RoomNr Name Kennedy 2 Nixon 3 Carter GuestNr RoomNr Name Kennedy Carter 2 Nixon = Note: The right outer join retains “dangling tuples” on the right.
RelAlg: 14 |× – Semijoin Where might the semijoin be useful? (optimization of distributed DB systems) GuestNr,RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s × RoomNr,Name NrBeds = 2 r GuestNr RoomNr RoomNr Name Kennedy 2 Nixon 3 Carter GuestNr RoomNr = ×
RelAlg: 15 – Division GuestNr,RoomNr s RoomNr NrBeds = 2 r GuestNr RoomNr RoomNr GuestNr = Note: The scheme of the divisor must be a proper subset of the scheme of the dividend. The scheme of the quotient is the difference. A point easy to overlook: The division into groups is by the attributes in the dividend that are not in the divisor GuestNr in our example. As an example of incorrectly setting this up, suppose we don’t project on GuestNr,RoomNr, then the division would be by GuestNr,ArrivalDate,NrDays, which would make the answer empty.
RelAlg: 16 Query Examples List names and cities of guests arriving on 15 May. Name,City ArrivalDate = 15 May (g | | s) List names of each guest who has a reservation for a room that has the same name as the guest’s name. Name (g | | s | | r) List names of guests who have a reservation for rooms with two beds. Name (g | | s | | RoomNr NrBeds = 2 r)
RelAlg: 17 More Query Examples List the names of guests from Hartford who are arriving after 10 May. Name ( GuestNr,Name City = Hartford g | | GuestNr ArrivalDate > 10 May s) List names of rooms for which no guest is arriving on 10 May. Name (r | | ( RoomNr r RoomNr ArrivalDate = 10 May s)) RoomNr r ArrivalDate = 10 May s List all rooms along with their reservations for May 10 th (if any).
RelAlg: 18 Even More Query Examples List the names of guests who have reservations for all presidential suites (i.e., those that have two beds). Name (g | | ( GuestNr s GuestNr (( GuestNr s | | RoomNr NrBeds = 2 r) GuestNr,RoomNr s))) all possible GuestNr- RoomNr combinations minus the reservations we have guests who don’t have reservations for all presidential suites guests who do Name (g | | ( GuestNr,RoomNr s RoomNr NrBeds = 2 r)) GuestNr’s whose RoomNr includes all RoomNr’s with 2 beds
RelAlg: 19 Are All Operators Necessary? Relational Operators: { , , , , , , , | |, | | , | , } A Complete Set of Operators: { , , , , , | |} –Can do with , , | | –Can do with | |, | | with | | and , and | with | | and –Can do with | |, also with , i.e., (r s = r (r s)) Why might this be of value? –Fewer operators to implement –Query rewriting for optimization