Equations – Algebra and Chemistry E = mc 2 Einstein Maxwell Dirac Florey Penicillin Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Electromagnetism Relativity
J a J b – J b J a = -iħJ c Quantum Mechanical Rotation
J a J b – J b J a = - iħ J c Science was born when people like Galileo realised that mathematics was the language in which the Universe spoke but we only became fluent when it was realised that the dialect was algebra
Science was born when an equation was first applied to a physical process
Who did it?
Science was born when an equation was first applied to a physical process Who did it? Before this “common sense” ruled and that tells us that the Sun circles the Earth
Pythagoras? Newton? Archimedes? Kepler ? Galileo?
E = mc 2 F = -kx Hψ = Eψ iħψ = Hψ μ o ε o = 1/c 2 F = G m1m2m1m2 r2r2 Equations Equations Equations A free ranging discussion, initiated by Harry Kroto, on the fact that Science really seems to have been born when the first equation was used to describe some aspect of the the way the Universe works. Whoever did write it write it could rightly be considered the Father of Modern Science.. Hopefully an intriguing historical perspective on what Science is and when it really started will evolve – Pythagoras? Newton? Archimedes? Kepler ? Galileo? SCIENCE CAFÉ at Ray’s Steel City Saloon - Tuesday 1 st Feb 6.30 pm
E = mc 2 F = -kx J a J b – J b J a = -iħJ c Hψ = Eψ iħψ = Hψ μ o ε o = 1/c 2 F = G m1m2m1m2 r2r2
Hooke’s Law F = -kx