Solving the Equation for Urban Student Achievement in STEM Council of Great City Schools Theresa Morris, Director of Mathematics, Indianapolis Public Schools October 27, 2011
Alignment ◦ Content ◦ Assessments ◦ Timeline ◦ Connection between cycles District Pacing Guides ◦ Establishes instructional timeline ◦ Identifies available resources ◦ Guides concept development District Assessments ◦ Sample Questions ◦ Scrimmages ◦ Benchmarks
Data Collection ◦ District support to efficiently provide real-time data ◦ Results provided to teachers within 24 hours ◦ Data collection specific to: Student Class Teacher School District Data Discussion ◦ Identifies student, class and district strengths and weaknesses ◦ Guides remediation and interventions ◦ Clearly defines roles and responsibilities of instructional team (Gen ED, SPED, Title, ESL) Implement Remediation plans and follow-up assessments
Instructional Cycle
Create teacher ownership and trust. State purpose of each district assessment and how results impact teacher review. Provide timeline and alignment of content, district assessments and state level expectations.