PASS Funds
GUIDED BY Our Mission, Vision, & Values Education Master Plan 2024 – Eliminate the education gap and advance access, equity & success with exemplary programs
Strategies Eliminate the education gap and advance student access, equity and success with exemplary programs. Equitable Access & Sucess Foster Partnerships & Equitable Educational Opps Programs of Distinction & Educational Pathways Strengthen Accountability, Innovation & Collaboration Promote & Advocate for Resources
Annual Goals High School to College Pathway Multiple Measures/Multiple Assessments Increase Math Success Facilities Planning for the Future
Key PASS Projects: Equitable Access & Success Strategy ProjectRP Group Six Success Factors Faculty AdvisingNurtured, Valued, Connected, Engaged, Focused & Directed Embedded Tutoring (Math & DE) Focused, Directed, Connected & Engaged Chrome BooksConnected & Engaged Veteran ServicesNurtured, Valued, Connected, Engaged, Focused & Directed Open Education Resources Connected & Engaged
Key PASS Project: Foster Partnerships & Educational Opportunities Strategy ProjectRP Group Six Success Factors Persist to CollegeNurtured, Valued, Connected, Engaged, Focused & Directed
Key PASS Projects: Strengthen Accountability, Innovation & Collaboration Strategy ProjectRP Group Six Success Factors Accelerated Math - Community of Practice Nurtured, Valued, Connected, Engaged, Focused & Directed Speaker SeriesConnected, Engaged, Focused & Directed Public ArtConnected, Engaged, Focused & Directed New Faculty OrientationNurtured, Valued, Connected, Engaged, Focused & Directed
Preliminary Outcomes- Retention Rates Fall 2014 Basic Skills Credit Degree Applicable Transferable Vocational Enrollment Count Retention Rate Enrollment Count Retention Rate Enrollment Count Retention Rate Enrollment Count Retention Rate Enrollment Count Retention Rate %14, %13, %12, %2, % DE 1, %1, %1, % % Face-to-Face %12, %12, %10, %2, % Spring %15, %14, %13, %2, % DE 1, %1, %1, % % Face-to-Face %14, %13, %12, %2, %
Preliminary Outcomes- SEP Completion, Certificate/Degree Awards Term Summer 2014Fall 2014Srping 2015TOTAL Education Plan 898 1,495 1,293 3,686 Abbreviated only ,258 Comprehensive only Abbreviated and Comprehensive ,093 Year Total Honor Students AAASAA-TAS-T Certificates TOTAL GraduatesDegrees Degrees/Cer ts 2013/ / Yr 25.70%42.30%-29.50%0.00%135.30%133.30%48.00%27.90% Increase
Preliminary Outcomes- Math Multiple Measures/Multiple Assessments Grade Level:12 Enter data from high school transcript and/or placement assessment in the highlighted cells. Cumulative GPA:3.6 Algebra II Grade:C Geometry Grade:A+ Trigonometry Grade:N/A Pre-Calculus Grade:C Calculus Grade:N/A Statistics Grade:N/A Highest Math Test Taken:Pre-AlgebraRecommendation based on test score alone: Math Test Score:0Arithmetic (250) Placement Recommended based on Multiple Measures Based on criteria defined by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) and information entered above, enrollment is approved for the courses indicated below. Note that Math 13 and Math 15 share the same pre-requisites and are therefore considered at the same level. Precollegiate Math Courses:Courses for CTE Programs: Math 253APPROVEDMath 220APPROVED Math 201 or 210AAPPROVEDMath 221APPROVED Math 203 or 211APPROVEDMath 208APPROVED Math 202APPROVED Transfer Level STEM Courses:Transfer Level Non-STEM Courses: Math 50APPROVEDMath 13 or 15APPROVED Math 1APPROVEDMath 16ANOT APPROVED Math 2APPROVEDTRUE Math 3ANOT APPROVEDTRUE
Preliminary Outcomes- English Multiple Measures/Multiple Assessments Improved Placement Initiative Recommendation Tool for English D R A F T V E R S I O N 1.1 Grade Level:12Enter data from high school transcript and/or placement assessment in the highlighted cells. Cumulative GPA:1.7 12th Grade English Grade:C- AP English Grade:N/A Writing Score:20Recommendation based on test alone: Reading Score:25See Counselor Placement Recommended based on Multiple Measures Based on criteria defined by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) and information entered above, enrollment is approved for the courses indicated below. English Courses: ENGL 267A AND 268A, OR ENGL 269A,APPROVED OR ENGL 252A ENGL 201ANOT APPROVED ENGL 1ANOT APPROVED