Chapter 2 Making Decisions and Setting Goals
Do Now Write a list of all the decisions you made today from time you woke up until now. Then chose one of your decisions and focus on the process.
Chapter 2 Objectives: 1.Identify the steps in the decision- making process. 2.Explain why it is important to practice decision making. 3.Develop and implement an action plan for setting a goal.
Making Decisions and Setting Goals Health Concepts ▪ Decision making is a multi-step process that can be used to make responsible health choices. ▪ Practicing your decision-making skills can prepare you to handle real-life situations. ▪ Setting and achieving goals is important to the quality of your life. ▪ A key to effective goal setting is learning to develop and implement an action plan.
Making Responsible Decisions Making decisions about major life issues must be done carefully and deliberately. Just as you would slow down and look for approaching cars when arriving at a busy intersection, so you will need to approach life decisions with caution. You will need to “look in all directions” for possible risks, and then act decisively and without hesitation once the risks have been identified and weighed.
Making Responsible Decisions ▪The most crucial step in all decision- making is to distinguish between ethical and unethical options. ▪Decisions and actions should only be based on the choices that are among the ethical options.
3 Types of Decision Making Styles ▪Inactive Decision Maker ▪Someone who fails to make choices ▪Procrastinates in making a decision until one option plays itself out ▪This type of decision maker typically has difficulty developing self confidence and feel that they have no control over their destiny
3 Types of Decision Making Styles cont… ▪Reactive Decision Maker ▪Someone who allows peers, siblings, parents etc… to make decisions for them ▪RDM’s are easily influenced by what other people think, do or suggest ▪Easily persuaded by peer pressure, develop a negative self-esteem, and need to be liked by others
3 Types of Decision Making Styles cont… ▪Proactive Decision Maker ▪Someone who follows the 8 steps of decision making process and assumes responsibility for the consequences of their actions ▪PDM’s take on responsibility rather than being influenced by external conditions ▪Experience feelings of inspiration because they are in control of their own destiny
Setting Goals Having and setting goals is one way to help shape your life in positive directions. A goal is something you aim for that takes planning and work. Setting realistic goals and achieving them leads to increased self esteem
Setting Goals Do you view your life as a series of events that simply happen to you or do you see it as a work of art that you are constantly shaping and creating? Think about your plans for the future. What do you want to do with your life? What do you hope to become someday? Do your plans include further education and a family? What type of job do you hope to have? What do you hope to have accomplished by the age of 20? What kind of life do you want to be able to look back on when you are 70?
Kinds of Goals Every goal involves planning, and planning involves time. Some goals can be achieved fairly easily and in a short period of time. Such short-term goals include getting your homework done by nine o’clock. Other goals, such as becoming a teacher or a professional athlete, pose a greater challenge. Such long-term goals take a longer period— sometimes months or even years—to achieve.
Kinds of Goals Many long-term goals can be achieved by breaking them down into short-term goals. In order to meet the long-term goal of playing on the school ice hockey team, for example, you must first satisfy the beginning goal of becoming a strong skater. What kinds of short- term goals do you think might be necessary to pursue a career in politics? What short-term goals might help a person work toward the long-term goal of becoming a professional athlete?
SMART ▪When Setting Goals be sure to follow the SMART guidelines ▪S: Specific ▪M: Measurable ▪A: Action-oriented ▪R: Realistic ▪T: Timely
Goals and an Action Plan While goals can differ in the amount of time and degree of effort necessary to reach them all can be achieved by creating an action plan. Like the decision-making process, an action plan is a multi-step strategy for identifying and achieving goals. An Action Plan consists of six action-based steps that can help you accomplish your goals.
Action Plan 1. Select a goal to work on ▪ In selecting a goal, you need to be specific and realistic. Also, state your goal as something positive. Do not settle for just “not failing.” Focus your energies instead on succeeding. This will help motivate you to work toward achieving your goal.
Action Plan 2. List what you will do to reach the goal ▪ Look for ways to break your goal down into smaller, more manageable tasks. ▪ If your goal is to become a long- distance runner, begin by training yourself to run shorter distances.
Action Plan 3. Identify sources of help and support ▪ Identify sources of help and support. Sources of support and encouragement are important to achieving any goal. ▪ Such sources might include friends, family members, teachers, or neighbors.
Action Plan 4. Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal ▪ When first setting out toward any goal, you should establish a reasonable time limit for reaching that goal and put it in writing.
Action Plan 5. Establish checkpoints to evaluate your progress ▪ As with establishing a time frame, such checkpoints should be reasonable and realistic
Action Plan 6. Reward yourself after reaching your goal ▪ Once you arrive, congratulate yourself and enjoy the personal satisfaction. ▪ One way is to buy yourself something you have wanted. ▪ Knowing that a reward waits at the end of the journey will help you work that much harder.
Other Guidelines for Setting Goals ▪ Make certain your goal will not harm your health or anyone else’s. ▪ Be sure that your goal shows respect both for you and for everyone else affected by it. ▪ Set a goal because it will help you grow, not because you want to outdo someone or win someone else’s attention. ▪ If you fail to reach your goal, use what you learn from the failure to set a new goal.
Goals For Life What are your personal goals right now—today? ▪If your answer is that you do not have any, ask yourself why. If you do not have positive goals, you need to ask yourself: Why? ▪How can I remove the roadblocks that stand in the way of my having positive goals? ▪Remember, goal setting, like decision making and the other health skills you learned about in this chapter, can move you toward the ultimate goal of total health and wellness.
Chapter 2 Lesson 2 Review 1.What are the steps in the decision-making process? 2.Why are questions about consequences so important when using the decision- making process? 3.Julius, who is 16, has ambitions to become a physician some day. Create an action plan Julius might follow in reaching this life goal.