Welcome to the National Chapter Award Workshop
Who is Paul Larson? Agricultural Educator at Freedom High School in Freedom, Wisconsin. NAAE Region III Vice President Chair of The Council Advocacy Taskforce. Vice Chair of the National Chapter Committee. Proud husband and father. More than 50 miles from home.
Workshop Goals Assess status of NCA program Demonstrate Strategies for getting started or improving NCA Provide Practice – in teams Evaluate your skills Provide “who can help” information Share examples of 3-Star Gold Apps.
S.M.A.R.T. GOALS S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Time Stamped
National Chapter Award Program GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLSSSS!
Goals/Objectives Excellent - ( points) At least 3 measurable realistic goals that are specific in nature, related to a quality standard (not repeated), tied to high quality instruction, above and beyond the expected chapter performance, and challenging.
Evolution of an GOAL –Introduce new opportunities to students. –Introduce new SAE opportunities to students while improving our environment and beautifying our school. –The environment is a growing concern among many Americans today, and FFA members are increasingly seeking SAE projects in this area to keep up with consumer needs. The overall objective of our tree planting project was to introduce new SAE opportunities to students while improving our environment and beautifying our school.
Goals 1. Introduce a new SAE project to at least 10 agricultural education students. 2. Obtain at least 10 new trees by May 1 st to beautify at least 1 area at the high school. 3. Involve at least 20 students in planting 10 new trees.
TEAM Time When you hear the words “Cheese Curds” you will break into groups of 8-10 and delegate one person to come to the front for materials.
GOAL Practice Each team has a plan sheet for an activity. When you hear the word “Badger” you will have 6 minutes to complete your team name, activity title, and at least one SMART Goal for the activity.
How did we do? Share an example GOAL?
Plan of Action Excellent - ( points) There is a plan for meeting each goal; key groups and individuals are identified who plan to participate. The specific time line is clear. Clear procedures or steps are identified. Learning opportunities are clear.
Evolution of a Plan of Action We will find a presenter to conduct training and we will invite FFA members to attend on the date set. Does this Plan of Action meet the criteria?
Evolution, Cont’d Clearly define who is responsible –Student development committee will contact the county forester to determine if the forester is available for training, in addition to securing a location. The committee will report its findings to the Chapter Officers. Chapter Reporter will create flyers and announcements. The Reporter will also contact local media to cover the event.
Evolution, Cont’d Let’s set a clear time line for action How can we show action steps and ensure this action plan is tied to our objective?
Evolution, Cont’d Timeline is established –Student development committee will contact the county forester during the first week of school to determine if forester is available for training, in addition to securing a location. The committee will report its findings to the Chapter Officers on August 10th. Chapter Reporter will create flyers and announcements to advertise the event one month prior. The Reporter will also contact local media to cover the event one month prior to the event and send weekly reminders.
Scoresheet: Plan of Action Plan of action for each objective Clearly identify groups/individuals responsible for action Clear time line for action Clear procedures/steps –Can it be replicated based on information
Team Plan of Action When you hear the word “Diamondbacks” you will have 5 minutes to create an action plan for one of your goals.
Share A group or two willing to share??
Results/Evaluation Excellent - ( points) The goals were achieved and measurable. There were definite benefits to the students, chapter and the community, to the point, a definite impact of the activity was realized. All FFA members involved learned something. There was significant involvement of community groups, organizations and/or individuals in a symbiotic and teamwork environment. A quality photo substantiating the activity by showing an event of the activity with a caption describing the event was included.
Results/Evaluation Should clearly express if the objective was reached or partially reached Show what was accomplished and prove overall impact Educational impact should be documented
Team Results Practice When you hear the word “Cardinals” you will have 5 minutes to complete an evaluation of your action plan.
Share Couple of groups willing to share their results??
Tips, Tricks, & Hints Do not repeat a quality standard- loss of 25 points! Utilize students Form III UNP tabs MHC tab
Tips, Tricks, & Hints Con’t. Start Early Assign each of the 3 segments to 2 officers – let them do it! Utilize rubric – have them score their section Pictures – Plan ahead, good quality, lots to choose from
Examples There are copies of 2, 3 Star Gold rated Chapters available for you to pick-up and take home with you.
Who Can Help Contact Jenna Cox at or 317- LPS Consultant – Ernie Gill at Paul Larson – contact information is on the Freedom application.
Questions? ?????? Questions ??????