Monitoring and evaluation ADVOCACY CYCLE ACTION PLANNING 1. Definition of problem 5. Monitoring and evaluation 2. Problem analysis 4. Implementation 3. Strategic planning
DEFINITION OF PROBLEM Process problems – transparency, corruption, discrimination, repression Concrete problems – violation of human and children’s rights, needs dissatisfaction Group work, discussion, brainstorming, feedback
PROBLEM ANALYSIS Problem tree OR SWOT Analysis Strength - internal resources and strength Weaknesses - internal weaknesses Opportunities - external resources and strength Threats - external barriers
STRATEGIC PLANNING Determination of objectives (aims) SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Timebound) Identification of stakeholders Persons, Groups, Organizations Definition of messages Creation of Action plan – selection of technics Networking, Coalitions forming, Lobbying, PR, Negotiations, Educational activities, Campaigns
IMPLEMENTATION Time schedule Management Coordination
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Indicators – quantitative and qualitative Reporting – narrative, finance Evaluation Aims – achieved? Obstacles? Improvements?