By: Cade Pantano
The Ganges is the largest river in India with an extraordinary religious importance for Hindus. Situated along its banks are some of the world's oldest inhabited cities like Varanasi and Patna. It provides water to about 40% of India's population across 11 states, serving an estimated population of 500 million people or more, which is larger than any other river in the world. Today, it is considered to be one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Areas Affected
There is a large availability of water in this region. It may not be the cleanest water but it serves it purpose of irrigation and drinking water. There are problems with the drinking water due to the pollution which can cause sickness. Availability of Water
Pollution of the Ganges has become so serious that bathing in and drinking its water has become very dangerous. The major polluting industry along the Ganges is the leather industry especially near Kanpur, from which Chromium and other chemicals leak into the river. Another huge source of pollution is that of the nearly 1 billion litres of mostly untreated raw sewage that enters the river every day. Inadequate cremation procedures result in partially burnt or unburnt corpses floating in the river. The Ganga Action Plan (GAP) was set up in 1985 by the Indian government with British and Dutch support to build a number of waste treatment facilities. Under the GAP sewage is intercepted and water is diverted for treatment and several electrical crematoria have been built. The project is now in its second phase - GAP II. Argument Behind This Water Project
They are constantly trying to figure out how to clean up the major pollutions in this major body of water that can provide so much to the states. The water is meant to be supplied as irrigation and drinking but if it is so polluted no one can drink it there is a major problem at hand that needs to be solved. Major Problems
Save Ganga Movement is a widespread Gandhian non- violent movement supported by saints and popular social activists across the Indian States Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in support of a free Ganga. The movement is supported by Ganga Seva Abhiyanam, Pune-based National Women's Organisation (NWO) besides those of many other like- minded organisations and with the moral support from many religious leaders, spiritual and political, scientists, environmentalists, writers and social activists.[1][2][3] Ganga Calling – Save Ganga is another such campaign supported by Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action (ICELA). What Has Been Done to Address The Problem
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