Immersing Corpses in Water 4/10/08
Overall Effects on Corpse Decomposition generally retarded Decomp begins in head region Skin of hands and feet Livor mortis may not appear Bloating
Overall Effects on Corpse Finger and toenails easily detachable Skeletonization
Faunal Associates Ectoparasites Fleas Body lice
Carrion Community Associates Pig carcass study by Payne Stage one: submerged fresh Bloat Aquatic Insects
Hydrophilid Beetles Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae Water scavenger beetles 284 species in North America 1-40 mm Long palpi Larvae predatory, adults scavengers
Hydropsychid Caddisflies Trycoptera: Hydropsychidae Water nymph 146 species in North America Adults 6-19 mm Larvae: streams and rivers Feed on algae, diatoms, crustaceans, insects
Chironomid Midges Diptera: Chironomidae Non-biting midtes 700 species 1-10 mm Resemble mosquitos Larvae aquatic
Simulidae Larvae Diptera: Simulidae Black flies Blood feeders Small, black/grey Larvae aquatic
Heptageniid Mayflies Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae Mayflies 500 species Clear wings, prominent venation Nymps aquatic, flattened, streamlined
Carrion Community Associates Stage two: submerged fresh Early Floating Exposed abdomen: eggs Submerged portions still inhabited by organisms in stage one
Carrion Community Associates Stage three: Floating Decay Blowfly eggs hatch Oviposition ceased by Day 3 Coleoptera Silphids, Staphylinids, Histerids
Carrion Community Associates Stage four: Bloated Deterioration Many maggots, beetles Most tissues gone
Carrion Community Associates Stage five: Floating Remains Few maggots Histerid beetles Small flies: Sphaerocerids, Phorids, Drosophilids, Psychodids Stage ends when remains sink
Carrion Community Associates Stage six: Sunken Remains Decomp completed by bacteria and fungi
Postmortem Submersion Interval Make use of organisms which attach themselves to substrate Understand differences between moving and still water organisms no purely sarophagous aquatic insects
Ecological Function Food for invertebrates and fish Shelter Attract secondary scavengers Substrate for producers Substrate for grazers
Saltwater Submersion Fauna almost completely different from fresh water little studied Barnacles Shrimp, prawns, crabs
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