Decade Road toll To rise To injure Alcohol Drunk driver To endanger Passenger Pedestrian N N V V N N V N N Ten years The number of people killed on the roads in a set period of time. To go up, to increase. To hurt. An intoxicating liquid. A driver who is under the influence of alcohol. To put at risk, to put in danger. Someone travelling in a vehicle. A person walking on the street.
Over the last decade the road toll has risen dramatically. Every year more people are injured or killed in road accidents. Alcohol is a major factor in the road toll. Drunk drivers endanger their own lives as well as those of passengers and pedestrians.
(1)Over the last decade the road toll has risen dramatically. (2)Every year more people are injured or killed in road accidents. (3)Alcohol is a major factor in the road toll. (4) Drunk drivers endanger their own lives as well as those of passengers and pedestrians. 1 has risen – present perfect – action continuing from the recent past to the present. 2 are injured or killed – use of passive to shift the focus to the people and what happens to them. 3 alcohol – use of the zero article. 4 those of – a back reference (anaphoric) to “lives”