Overview of Infectious Disease Project
Some guidelines Make sure the design you use is readable and the text is large enough to see Use animations where appropriate –Practice these, it should not be distracting! Make sure the slides are not text heavy –You should have more to say than is on the slide –Make sure the pertinent information is on the slide –Do not read off of your slides Have note cards or memorize what you are going to say Include pictures –Make pictures relevant and refer to them in your presentation
Pathogen an agent of disease, infectious organism Bacteria –genus species and common name –Type of growth rod (bacilli), sphere (cocci), spiral (spirilli) Eukaryotes –genus species and common name –Fungus, Animalia, Protists Virus –Viral name and common name –Retrovirus (RNA) or DNA virus (“Bacteria,” 2011)
Methods of Spreading How does the infection get to the body? vector - an organism that transfers a disease from reservoir to host. Is it through a bite, feces or urine? airborne - droplets of pathogens are expelled into the air due to coughing, sneezing or talking skin-skin - direct contact or indirect through showers, bed coverings, blankets etc... sexual contact - through fluids or direct contact contaminated food - improperly cooked or stored foods contaminated water - water supply not cleaned properly
Point of Infection Where does it affect the body? For example –Liver –Respiratory Tract –Nervous System –Skin
Symptoms What does the disease do to the host? What are the signs? Include the symptoms of the disease –Ex. Fever, rash, blindness, death etc... Some diseases have a progression –Explain how it changes as it manifests
Treatment or Cure Is there medication –What medications are used –How long does it take –Does it treat symptoms or the disease –Can the disease be cured
Vaccine and Prevention How to prevent from getting the disease or passing it on. Vaccine –Is there a vaccine? –What is it? –How common is the vaccine? –When do you get vaccinated? –Who gets vaccinated? Prevention –What steps can be taken not to get the disease or pass it on? (Vaccines and Prevention, 2011)
Where in the World? What areas is the disease most common? Are there places that have eradicated the disease? Have there been any recent outbreaks?
Where in the US? (Forest Service, 2010)
Interesting Facts What about your disease is interesting?
Turning in your Project The PowerPoint MUST be in Chapman’s DROP BOX by 7:45 am Wednesday May 23rd My Computer>> Dropbox>>Physical Science>> Chapman>> Period This has to be done from school and can be done Friday or Monday morning. There will be a laptop in room ed assignments will not be accepted The file should be named by the disease and the presenters. –Example: Anthrax_Velarde_Chapman
Works Cited “Bacteria.” Picture Dictionary Web 21 May “Vaccines and Immunizations.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 4 Oct Web. 25 May US Forest Service. “Map of Beech Bark Disease Distribution.” Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 22 Oct Web. 17 May This is a parenthetical citation: (Vaccines and Immunizations, 2010)