Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea MariFish 7 th Work Package Meeting Athens, February Designs Nélida Naida Regional case study in the Mediterranean Sea
“Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida Geographical Areas Main Mediterranean fishing grounds for anchovy and/or sardine with “highly contrasted environmental conditions”. Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) Western Mediterranean Iberian Coast Gulf of Lions Eastern Mediterranean Ionian Sea Aegean Sea Central Mediterranean * Adriatic Sea Sicilian Channel * Depending on Italian participation
Expected Participants “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida M EDITERRANEAN M ARI F ISH P ARTNERS with SP Fisheries: G REECE F RANCE S PAIN O THER I NTERESTED P ARTICIPANTS : C YPRUS as Mediterranean MariFish Partner. M EDITERRANEAN C OUNTRIES with SP Fisheries: I TA, C RO, S LO … N ON - M EDITERRANEAN M ARI F ISH P ARTNERS with SP Fisheries : P OR
Aim and Objectives: “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida Improve and Standardize the available Assessment Methods and related methodologies in the Mediterranean. Indirect Assessment Method Indirect Assessment Method from fishery data: Analytical Models. Direct Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods from survey data: Acoustic and DEPM. Related Methodologies: Related Methodologies: Otolith Age Reading, Parameter Estimation… O BJECTIVE 1 : A IM : Contribute to a More Reliable Evaluation of the state of small pelagic populations in the Mediterranean, thus improving the Scientific Advice provided for the Management of these resources. Contribute to the knowledge of Environmental Factors which drive/affect the Population Dynamics of SPS in the Mediterranean. O BJECTIVE 2 :
Arguments for selection of this Topic: From the Socio-Economic point of view: Anchovy and Sardine form the basis of important fisheries which are extremely valuable, both monetarily and culturally, throughout the Mediterranean. “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida From the Ecosystem point of view: SPS occupy low trophic levels (feed on phyto & zooplankton). Their population condition is transported higher up in the food chain thus affecting important components of the Ecosystem. Most fisheries resources have similar early life stages that inhabit the upper sea layer. Several aspects proposed here may be relevant to a wide variety of important components of the Ecosystem. From the Assessment and Management point of view: Some SP stocks undergo decline and even collapse risk despite management measures. Understanding why management practices may not appear to be working well in particular situations is essential.
State of the Art: The stock assessment of SPS in the Mediterranean lacks standardized methodology The stock assessment of SPS in the Mediterranean lacks standardized methodology. Biological uncertainties affect the quality of analytical assessment, and hinder the provision of reliable management advice Biological uncertainties affect the quality of analytical assessment, and hinder the provision of reliable management advice for SPS resources. High variability in Abundance of SP populations. High variability in Abundance of SP populations. The actual belief is that fluctuation iscontrolled to a large extent by environmental conditions: fluctuation is controlled to a large extent by environmental conditions: Fluctuation in abundance is due to interyear variations in recruitment succes. Recruitment succes is mainly governed by the survival of early life stages. Early life stages (mainly larvae) survive when biotic and abiotic environmental factors combine within an optimal environmental window. The lack of adequate knowledge of these mechanisms Recruitment and Abundance of SPS to be Unpredictable The lack of adequate knowledge of these mechanisms make the Recruitment and Abundance of SPS to be Unpredictable, thus hindering analytical assessment and scientific advice to management. information and data concerning “fishery-environment” question in the Mediterranean exist highly fragmented not easily accessible Interdisciplinary information and data concerning “fishery-environment” question in the Mediterranean exist, but it is highly fragmented and often not easily accessible. “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida
Tools to achieve the Objectives: “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida Data/Information on Biological and Environmental Indicators Share recent and historical Data/Information on Biological and Environmental Indicators Population structure and dynamics, Recruitment strength, Spawning habitats, Nursery areas, Reproductive potential, Hydro-climatic conditions, … Methodology Share Methodology Assessment methods; Characterization and Spatial Modelling of spawning habitats, nursery areas, population distribution; Age and Biological Parameters Estimation, … Facilietes Share Facilietes Boats, equipment, experimental installations, … Exchange of Scientists
Expected Achievements within the Marifish Framework: Improve Assessment and Management of SPS in the Mediterranean. Create Critical Mass of Research to address the issues of Ecosystem Approach of SP fisheries in the Mediterranean. Develop Practical Cooperation between the partners, sharing information, methodologies, knowledge, facilities, objectives, plans… Enhance links between Fisheries Research and Other Disciplines (physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, ichthyoplankton, climatology, meteorology, ecology, …) Identify Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs regarding the Ecosystem Approach of SP fisheries in the Mediterranean. “Ecosystem Approach and Assessment of Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea” Designs Nélida Naida Demonstrate to the DG Research that MariFish is able to develop Regional Cooperation between its members.