TITANIC By Marco Spanedda
TITANIC The Titanic had a crew of 900 people. Over 1500 people died because of the sinking. 2 dogs survived. The Titanic’s Capitan is Edward James Smith. Each life boat was suppose to carry 65 people. 705 people survived.
What the Titanic looks like The Titanic was 882 feet long. The Titanic had 4 smoke stacks. The Titanic was black, white and red. The Titanic had a lot of rooms. There were 20 life boats. The Titanic was as 3 foot ball fields.
TITANIC Including the Titanic’s smoke stacks the Titanic’s as tall as a 17 story building. 2,200 people were onboard the Titanic.
Titanic 22 children in 2 class. 73 children in 3 class. 2 dogs survived. Most 3 class died. 7 people in 1 class. The orchestra kept playing to calm people.