WHO MADE IT ? Who made it was Stephanie Kwolek she made it in 1971 she found out that it was is 5 times stronger than the wieght of steel!
STEPHANIE KWOLEK She was in the school of science she then graduated and made Kevlar she made it 5 times stronger than the weight of steel!
HISTORY OF THE INVENTION In 1971 Kevlar was invented for the first time she didn’t know what to name it but is 5 times stronger than the weight of steel!
FACTS ABOUT KEVLAR AND STEPHANIE KWOLEK Stephanie Kwolek was working at the university of science and made Kevlar there. You can make lots of things with kevlar.And Kevlar has been used in the titanic and Kevlar is awesome!!!!!!!!
WHY PEOPLE NEED KEVLAR? People need kevlar in bullet proof vests and other things bullet proof vests to pertect people from bullets and guns!! Kevlar can be used in lots of other things like the titanic and like lots of things and stuf!
MORE INFO I gess you are gessing why was it invented it was invented to pertect people in bullit proof vests and even more stuff. And stuff we use now we might be using it now in pots any thing medle exept mouses or any thing made of plastic. Kevlar looks like some heavy metal that might be painted.
THE END by : Klayton A. and Derek G. we found info on learning.comwww.Enchanted