Historical Geology Lecture 16 The Middle Paleozoic Era
Historical Geology IPaleozoic Timeline IIMiddle Paleozoic Paleogeography, Climate, and Sea Level IIIGeologic Framework A)Carbonate Sedimentation B)Organic Reefs C)Evaporite Basins D)Clastic Wedges IVThe Silurian Period A)Paleogeography and Lithofacies B)Appalachian (Southern) Margin C)The Continental Interior D)Cordilleran (Northern) Margin VThe Devonian Period A)Paleogeography and Lithofacies B)Kaskaskia Sequence C)Appalachian (Southern) Margin D)Cordilleran (Northern) Margin Outline
Historical Geology The Middle Paleozoic Era
Historical Geology Middle Paleozoic Era Paleogeography Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Middle Paleozoic Era Climate Average Global Temperature Early Devonian 415 mya Early Silurian 440 mya
Historical Geology Middle Paleozoic Sea Level
Historical Geology Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework Carbonate Sedimentation Organic Reefs Evaporite Basins Clastic Wedges
Historical Geology Shallow "Carbonate Factory" Deep Ocean Calcareous Ooze (since Mesozoic) Carbonate Factory Currents supply nutrients Light for photosynthesis Warm waters Normal salinity Greatest biological productivity <10m Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework - Carbonate Sedimentation Times of high sea level generally allow the factories to be below the depth of the wave base and circulation. This prevents erosion or mixing of the sediments due to normal energy wave abrasion to the carbonate factory and results in a time of high sediment accumulation. Times of low sea level expose the carbonate factory to the zone of wave energy circulation and can even place the factory above the water level. This results in erosion and lithification of the carbonate sediments and can be seen in the sediment record.
Historical Geology Growth Stages and Architectural Elements through Time Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework - Organic Reefs
Historical Geology Windjana Gorge Devonian Australia Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework - Organic Reefs
rock salt NaCl anhydrite CaSO 4 rock gypsum CaSO 4. H 2 O Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework – Evaporite Basins Historical Geology
Middle Paleozoic Era Geologic Framework - Clastic Wedges
Historical Geology Middle Paleozoic Rocks of Laurentia
Historical Geology The Silurian Period Ron Blakey LaurentiaBalticaGondwanaland Siberia AntlerArc Siberia Baltica Panthallasic Ocean Rheic Ocean Paleo-Tethys Ocean Gondwanaland
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia The Continental Interior Basins – Evaporite Deposition – Niagara Falls Cordilleran (Northern) Margin – Convergence and Subduction – Approach of Antler Terrane Appalachian (Southern) Margin – Convergence in Iapetus Ocean – Approach of Avalonia – Erosion of Taconic Highlands – Caledonian Orogeny Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Paleogeography and Lithofacies
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Appalachian Margin Approach of Avalonia Erosion of Taconic Highlands Appalachian Basin Sedimentation Caledonian Orogeny
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Appalachian Margin - Caledonian Orogeny
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Continental Interior Basins Michigan Evaporite Basin
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Continental Interior Basins Michigan Evaporite Basin
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Continental Interior Basins
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Continental Interior Basins - Niagara Falls
Historical Geology Silurian Laurentia Cordilleran Margin Ron Blakey
Historical Geology The Devonian Period Laurasia Gondwanaland Siberia Antler Arc Siberia Panthallasic Ocean Rheic Ocean Proto-Tethys Ocean China fragments Gondwanaland Siberia Laurasia Antler Arc Panthallasic Ocean Gondwanaland Mongol Arc Kazakh Arc Laurasia Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Kaskaskia Transgression ● Oriskany Sandstone Appalachian (Southern) Margin ● Acadian Orogeny ● Catskill Clastic Wedge Cordilleran (Northern) Margin ● Antler Orogeny Franklin Margin ● Ellsmere Orogeny Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Paleogeography and Lithofacies
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Kaskaskia Transgression
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Kaskaskia Transgression - Oriskany Sandstone initial transgressive deposit over unconformity very mature sandstone
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Appalachian Margin Acadian Orogeny Catskill Clastic Wedge
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Appalachian Margin - Acadian Orogeny Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Acadian Orogeny - Old Red Continent
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Appalachian Margin – Catskill Clastic Wedge
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Appalachian Margin – Catskill Clastic Wedge
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Cordilleran Margin Antler Orogeny Ron Blakey
Historical Geology Devonian Laurentia Cordilleran Margin – Antler Orogeny Ron Blakey