Lord of the Ring The Return of the King BOOK 6
The Return of the King – Book 6 Plot Summary ä Fulfilling Quest ä Crowning of King ä Returning home ä Scouring of the Shire ä Grey Havens
The Return of the King – Book 6 New Characters ArwenEagles
The Return of the King – Book 6 Monsters and other Creatures ä Shirrifs
The Return of the King – Book 6 Important Objects ä Arwen’s jewel given to Frodo to ease his pain
The Return of the King – Book 6 Settings MordorGondorShire
The Return of the King – Book 6 Themes Renewal White tree Faramir/Eowyn Marriages Aragorn/Arwen (3 rd union between races) Faramir/Eowyn (unites Gondor and Rohan) Sam/Rosie
The Return of the King – Book 6 Contrasts Frodo on “Wheel of Fire” Frodo feels cold
The Return of the King – Book 6 Parallels Scoured Shire Mill pollutes but does no work Rules Chopping down trees Ugly houses Gathering and sharing No fun, no ale New Shire Sam’s role as gardener, bring Shire back to life Sam and Rosie’s children named after flowers
Feel of Ending ä Very last line “Well, I’m home” ä Solution of sailing off into the West ä Addition of appendices