1 Let’s Learn About… Deciduous Trees!
2 What Is a Deciduous Tree? Has flat leaves –Leaves are green in summer –Leaves turn colors in the fall –Leaves fall to the ground each year Has hard wood Has flowers Makes fruit or nuts A deciduous tree… Black Cherry Tree
3 What Kinds of Deciduous Trees Will We See in the Forest? Dogwood Black Walnut Box Elder Paper Birch Red Maple White Oak
4 What Do Deciduous Tree Branches Look Like? Dogwood Black Walnut Box Elder Paper BirchRed Maple White Oak
5 Let’s Study the Black Walnut Tree! What does the bark of the black walnut look like? What does the fruit of the black walnut look like? Black Walnut Tree Black Walnut on Tree Black Walnut on Ground
6 Let’s Study the Black Cherry Tree! What do black cherry flowers look like? What does black cherry bark look like? What do black cherries look like? Black cherry
7 Let’s Compare Bark of Some Deciduous Trees! Box Elder BarkPaper Birch Bark Describe shagbark hickory bark. Shagbark Hickory Bark Describe box elder bark. Describe paper birch bark.
8 Let’s Compare Fruits and Nuts of Some Deciduous Trees! Apple TreeShagbark Hickory Tree Describe the nut on the white oak tree. White Oak Tree Describe the fruit of the apple tree. Describe the nut on the shagbark hickory tree.
9 What Other Questions Can a Tree Detective Ask? How tall is the tree? What is the shape of the tree? What do the twigs look like? A dogwood tree grows to only 30 feet tall! A paper birch tree is tall and thin! A box elder has very thin twigs!
10 What Other Questions Can a Tree Detective Ask? What animals do we see around the tree? What is the wood like? What do the seeds look like? Deer and rabbits use maple trees as food! Mice like the seeds! Cherry wood has a red color and a nice smell! Red maple seeds are full of color and look like wings!
11 Have Fun Being a Tree Detective!