White Oak By: Sara Garcia, Talejah Watts, and TaQuresha Jennings White Oak Tree By: Sara Garcia, Talejah Watts, and Taquresha Jennings
Scientific Name: Quercus alba Common Names: Fork-Leaf White Oak, Ridge White Oak, Stave Oak Scientific Name:
Descriptions of our Tree Parts: Bark: Light Gray Tough Dry Strong Scaly Plates Leaves: Alternate Flat Smooth Dark Green Acorns: Smooth Brown Supply of food for wildlife
Quotes Sara- “Our tree Ted is so amazing it made everyone else rhyme (Our tree taught us so much)” Tee- “From the grass it grows, how beautiful no one ever knows my tree is so wonderful that’s how beautiful Ted is.” Talejah- “Our tree drops leaves, we ain’t got no bees, and it’s so easy being around our tree. Ted is so beautiful to see”
Poem Ted Beautiful, tall Loving, growing, caring Outside, trash, insects, lizards Living, producing, ending Colorful, old Ted
Limiting Factors: Bugs feeding off it Fires Flooding Climate
Type of Wood and Tree Purposes: Hardwood Uses of wood for: Ship building Barrel making Flooring Cabinets Furniture
Interesting Facts: Can grow up to 100 feet tall Has Male and Female Flowers: Male flowers are greenish-yellow Female flowers have reddish spikes It is Illinois’s State Tree Gypsy moth feeds off tree Takes as long as 100 years to attain height of about 100 feet
Works Cited: www. forestry.ohiodnr.gov/whiteoak.com Done By: Sara Garcia, Talejah Watts, and Taquresha Jennings