Wisconsin Bass Federation 2014 Member Survey Results Survey open July- Sept 85 respondents
Question 4 comments I personally don't care for the rules for a non boater in the BFL and if I was in the state tournament as a non boater with those rules I would'nt fish it. There needs to be a better payout to those that are close but don't make the state team. This last tournament the only people that got money were those going to state. Thats not right. 7/8/ :43 AM Should have same non boater both days 7/3/2014 6:53 AM eliminate zones and replace with team money trail. Open to federation members only! also pick bodies of water people want to fish! 7/2/2014 8:43 PM I think create less of an adversarial attitude in the boat and I think a lot of boaters are apprehensive of letting a non boater run there equipment 7/2/2014 7:22 PM the biggest problem I see with this format is that there is a lot more boaters than nons in the fed. 7/2/2014 2:44 PM Fishing alone is OK as long as the boater does not know in advance he may not have a co-angler. Boaters go to great expense to bring boats to these events and should be guaranteed use of a their boat period. 7/2/2014 9:50 AM i think we should take the top 8 boaters and top 4 non-boaters. If you are a boater you get a minimum of 6 hours to fish from front of boat. Non-boaters should be non-boaters. they shouldnt be able to run the boat. period. 7/2/2014 9:37 AM
Question 8 comments Make it a 2-day tournament but have a better payout so it makes someone want to go. 7/8/ :43 AM 1st place observer could be 1st or second alternate for the state team? 7/6/2014 5:48 PM winner is on the state team! 7/2/2014 8:43 PM Make it so you don't have to bring an observer. There is a lot of expense for an observer for only a big bass pot. 7/2/2014 6:33 PM centrally located water for the tourney 7/2/2014 2:44 PM It was a 2 day tournament this year. The correct choice would be to go back to a one day tournament. 7/2/2014 1:09 PM Make Sat. practice and Sun. the tourney. 7/2/ :27 PM 1 day 7/2/ :10 AM One day 7/2/ :04 AM
Question 9 comments This is the first year of the unlimited four man teams. Give it a shot and see 7/27/2014 8:32 AM I have never been to the 4man classic, cause the club that I belong to wasn't interested. Mabey make it a two-man classic to get more parcipation and better payouts to make it more interesting. 7/8/ :43 AM Random draw from participants. Separate the four into two teams and have a blind draw from all participating. 7/7/2014 9:24 PM Do not have it opening day of Bow season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/3/2014 6:53 AM Change the name to: Bass Battle Classic 7/2/2014 8:55 PM We only have 6 people in our club so I like the buddy idea. 7/2/2014 6:33 PM make partners switch after day one or one day tournament 7/2/2014 4:24 PM as of late, try to keep the lake fished somewhat centrally located 7/2/2014 2:44 PM
Question 10 comments Have all levels of competiotion if possible 8/6/2014 2:17 PM The economy getting better would be number one. Clubs need to promote more involvement outside of club only tourneys. 7/27/2014 8:32 AM It has been terrible in the last few years. 7/14/2014 1:49 PM There are so many rumors going around about who is doing what when and where, if we need more meetings to keep everyone in the loop then lets do it. Talk to the Bass nation and see if we can join the 2 groups and keep it fair with everyone. The state tournament was partly a joke and weather is always a factor but the people that dont like rough water should not waste others time and not leave the harbor. The Non boater should get there say if they want to fish somewhere for there time even if there in the back of the boat, if they don't get there time the boater should be DQ'd. 7/8/ :43 AM Getting all clubs involved in decision making. More federation wide votes rather than a board people don't always agree with. 7/7/2014 9:24 PM There needs to be more of a $$$ incentive. With the gas prices the way they are, it's hard to justify the money spent vs earning potential. 2 Northern state tournaments in a row doesn't help keep members either. If we're going to go back to zone tournaments, I would suggest splitting the state in half and do a northern zone vs southern zone. You would recruit more participation instead of having 4 different zone tournaments 7/7/ :12 AM The low turnout at state this year had to do with location and not with format. 7/3/ :26 PM lower yearly state dues- go back to raise your money elsewhere 7/3/2014 7:11 AM Fishing is expensive. Keep the fees as low as possible. 7/2/2014 9:54 PM Get away from sitting out the first year. 7/2/2014 9:20 PM Promote club growth in some way! 7/2/2014 8:43 PM reducing cost would help, the costs are prohibit for a lot of people 7/2/2014 6:33 PM more organize committee. better communication! updated website 7/2/2014 4:24 PM would like to see zone return but don't like the 3 fish state tourney in august 7/2/2014 2:44 PM Where is the National Sponsor support? A state event should have some form of donations from the TBF and its National sponsors - at least nice prizes and/or additional money awards. 7/2/2014 9:50 AM